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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Well, I wouldn't say for sure it is the pump... yet - I guess a leaking line might also cause a syphon effect. I would pull the left front wheel off, remove the wheel liner and have a look at the tank and pumps (your car with headlight washers has two). You should have the big tank (the cars with headlight washers and windshield washers get a 7 liter tank while the windshield washer only cars get a 3 liter tank). I would look for leaks - tanks, pumps and hoses have all been know to leak. Let me know what part has failed and I will look up the number and retail price for you.
  2. "Carrera" model logo up to model year 2001 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position the Carrera logo with the dimensions A and B = 129.6 mm and C = 35 ±1 mm on the rear lid and affix.
  3. Nice car! Why not put your pics in the Garage here? ;) ;)
  4. I can post it for you. I will need exact model and rear deck style (i.e. standard spoiler or GT3 or Targa, etc.). They are all slightly different.
  5. Did you look here? The Porsche connector diagrams are there.
  6. It depends on how you drive your car... If you are not getting the car to full operating temperature then it can be caused by normal condensation. The engine is not hot enough to "cook off" the moisture. If your car is only driven for short trips where you don't get it heated up then I would recommend changing the oil more often to get rid of the moisture. If you had a head gasket problem you would see the coolant level go down, water in the oil and likely a lot of smoke out the exhaust.
  7. You need the key, fob, and code programmed for your car. The key/fob runs about $150 and most dealers also charge for the programming. For legal reasons only a dealer can program a key.
  8. Harry, Just come to the next Work on Cars day I (or Jeff) will help you out.
  9. I just bend a (large) paper clip and hook it inside. It will come right off with a good pull.
  10. Porsche retail is: 000 044 700 26 SHORT SHIFT KIT $486.89
  11. Porsche actually uses 000 043 203 37 Optimol, Optitemp LG 2 grease. Put it on the bushings at the pedals (clutch and brake) pivot rod.
  12. Yesh, sometimes those stickers are very hard to read.
  13. 226 does not come up on the list - how about 236 - 18" tires? 246 also does not come up - perhaps 249? Tiptronic Transmission? 665 - PCM2 basic module (no phone) with radio 09991 - Exclusive Program likely means that one or more items on the car came from the Exclusive list (one or more codes starting with "X").
  14. Also try Wheel Enhancement
  15. Folks feel free to add vendors and review vendors in the new Reviews section!
  16. Question 1- headlight washers... If it is only leaking from one side then it is likely the nozzle on that side. I would first test to see that both nozzles actually work as the left one might be plugged. If both nozzles leak (and/or the windshield ones are leaking too) then it is likely a pump problem. Question 2 - If your car is a MY01 Carrera then Porsche recommends replacing the plugs at 45,000 miles. The maintenance checklists here (at the top of the page) are from the Porsche Carrera Service Manual - latest supplement (late 2004).
  17. Hmm... My MY99 came with two key fob keys and one valet key. At this point you may need to buy a new sender anyway.
  18. Loren, Got any information on the scale levelling stands used in this pic? Seems to be exactly what i am looking for! Thanks and sorry for the threadjack... The scales come with every Cup Car... :lol: :lol: :lol: Seriously, try Longacre Racing
  19. Yes, both are effective the same shifter. Yes, they are both a little stiffer when cold (below 40 degrees F). Harry, how often does it get cold in Foster City? Once or twice a year? ;) ;)
  20. If you have done it before less than 1 hour. Here are the latest instructions from B&M... B_M_Short_Shifter_Install.pdf
  21. The clutches on all Boxster and Carrera's is hydraulic and therefore not adjustable. There is a small amount of adjustment used to match pedal height in the clutch master cylinder connecting rod - at most 1/4 inch at the pedal. I would bleed the system for air - and look for small leaks.
  22. I use Gumout - but basically they are all a laquer thinner base - so keep it away from the paint. All Carrera's EXCEPT the MY99 C2 are egas.
  23. Unlike the older non egas throttle bodies there is no idle air bypass valve. On the older cars the solenoid controlled valve let air in through a passage the bypassed the butterfly. On egas cars I think it is all controlled by minuet movement of the butterfly. So, it it would not surprise me if it were open a fraction. Yes, you can push on the butterfly valve and open it almost horizontal. That is how we cleaned this one - a little carb cleaner and a lint free rag while holding the butterfly open.
  24. Well, MY99 was not in the WSA so it could be a bad key fob. Did you try the spare?
  25. I assume you mean at idle... if so pretty much yes. If it is open you can hardly see it. Here is a pic (pre-cleaning) of one we took out of a Boxster (rough idle problem). It is basically the same egas unit your car has. BTW... once it was cleaned up the car ran fine. Jeff's pic - my hand
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