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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I think is this number: 477 971 851 Cable Clip (retail $.026 each). 12 are used on each car.
  2. Leather, leatherette or graphite grey plastic trim?
  3. Try a small version of the image...
  4. There is an error in your image file could you please re-post it?
  5. Boxster door panels are not the same as a Carrera. The door latches are quite different.
  6. You can use some penetrating oil - but keep it away from the Oxygen Sensors.
  7. Where are you located? We could give you a hand at one of our work on cars days - if you are in the SF Bay area.
  8. Have a look at the DIY here.
  9. We have added the following new TSBs: Carrera (997)/Carrera S (997) 1/05 6658 Aerokit Installation Instructions (dated 4-25-05) 2/05 2601 Sport Exhaust System Installation Instructions (I No. XLF) (dated 02-24-05) (special thanks to Contributing Member VB997)
  10. 1. Did they transfer the vacuum and solenoid for the PSE to the new engine (and reconnect it)? 2. If not the belt then... water pump? alternator? pulley bearing? only things I can think of that makes that kind of sound.
  11. 197 - high ampere battery 232 - ?? 391 - stone gaurd foil 424 - cd compartment 441 - radio prep 502 - ?? perhaps 562 driver and passenger side air bag 551 - wind deflector 567 - windshield tinted, upper part darker coloured 571 - activated charcoal filter 573 - A/C 584 - ?? likely black plastic storage box behind the seats 689 - prep for cd changer 698 - cd radio cdr-32 946 - Leather seats.
  12. Is this a US car or another country? Also, year and model please. BTW... the Kindel decoder is for older Porsches so many of your codes are wrong. For instance M571 is activated charcoal filter and M441 is radio prep.
  13. That part number (900 219 009 30) is a screw plug M18 x 1,5 that goes in the top of the engine case. Someone misunderstood someone - perhaps the part number is different.
  14. Every month Excellence Magazine has a market update on different models of Porsches. Find someone with he latest issue that includes the 1965 911's and they will give you a good valuation of where the market stands for each model. The current June 2005 issue covers 356 cars so you will need an earlier issue.
  15. The first thing I would do is remove the headlights (see your owners manual) and look to see if any of the connecting pins have pushed back into the socket and are not making a good connection. I've seen that happen before but it was usually just one light. Litronics have two connectors so check them both. Also check the sockets on the car harness for the same problem. That would be four total connectors per light.
  16. You will need to get the code(s) to help pinpoint the problem.
  17. See step 5 here. When you reinstall, torque them to 22 ftlb. (30 Nm ).
  18. P0117 Engine Temperature Sensor - Below Lower Limit A fault is recorded after a debounce time of 0.4 seconds if an engine temperature of less than -42 °C is measured. Fault conditions - Short circuit to ground. Fault area - Wiring, Temperature sensor, DME control module. P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Rich Threshold Fault conditions - Fuel/air mixture is so lean that sensing has reached its rich threshold. Fault area - Intake air system leaking, Fuel pressure too low, Volume supply of fuel pump too low, Fuel injectors fouled. Since you only got a P1130 I don't see how it could be the MAF. Fault P1130 is only affecting one side of the engine and the MAF should affect both. I would fix the temperature sensor then reset the codes. IF the P1130 comes back then start looking for an intake air leak.
  19. Laguna Seca, Monterey, CA -- 92 dB @ 50 ft. Infineon Raceway (Sears Point), Sonoma County, CA -- 103 dB @50 ft. and someone told me Lime Rock, Lime Rock, CT is only 85 dB!
  20. Yes, it will work fine on the a 3.6 or 3.4 liter car. That is one of the "newest" part numbers.
  21. Covers all Carrera, GT3, TT / GT2 and Boxster cars Here is the long explanation from the service manual on the flashing coolant light. "Four functions of the coolant warning light: 1. Engine coolant level too low -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) 2. Engine compartment temperature too high -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) (engine compartment blower might be faulty) 3. Engine coolant temperature too high -- light is lit; pointer on the right 4. Temperature sensor at water outlet faulty -- light flashes rapidly (1 Hz) ; pointer on the right Note: The temperature warning in point three is indicated if the conditions "engine coolant temperature too high" and "engine coolant level too low" are present simultaneously."
  22. I wonder if that was damaged in a previous repair? Like a an RMS repair where they take the transmission out to get to the RMS. Hmm... :unsure:
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