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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The standard front bumper on a MY02-MY05 Carrera does not have a spoiler lip - only the GT3 bumpers do. wing : 996 512 903 00 G2X -- is the rear "Carrera" wing you have lip : 996 505 986 02 G2X -- is the spoiler lip for the GT3/Aerokit front bumper
  2. To be sure we are talking about the same kit and wing... could you post a pic of what you have?
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4374&hl= http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4602&hl=
  4. All US/Canadian cars get the same cats and DME - there is no difference in California cars and the rest of the US. For RoW cars it varies by country - some get different cats and some get different DMEs, and some get both. It would be best to check with the authorities in Switzerland to see what you need to do to be in compliance.
  5. Inside your spare tire tool kit. Instructions are in your Owner's Manual.
  6. Plug em back in (hope they or the cats aren't damaged) and then clear all the codes. Drive it and wait. With a little luck you won't get any codes. Time to find a new mechanic :rolleyes:
  7. I suggest you ask them to put it on a lift and take a pic straight up from underneath. Every car I have ever bought (new and used) I demanded to see the underside before purchase. New cars can have dock damage, road test damage, etc. while used cars could have strut leaks, accident damage, oil leaks, etc., etc. If your friend doesn't know what to look for then have him pay someone that does - pics on a lift would be even better if it is a "long distance" buy. My 2 cents...
  8. Not likely the valves - more likely a loose clamp or broken weld.
  9. After the cats - so the ones on the tailpipe side of the cats. You will need a cat wrench or a 22 mm wrench. Do not get any oil (or any other substance) on the sensor. The sensor should come with high temp antiseize but again don't touch that and then the sensor.
  10. Not usually. The headlight is fixed - the mounting base in the car is what is moved by the adjusters.
  11. Looks to me like your after cat O2 sensor heaters are gone on both sides (P1117 and P1121). Also, looks like the O2 sensor on bank 1-3 is open (P0140). I think the P1125 and P1123 are results of no heaters on either after cat O2 sensor. Looks like you need two new after cat O2 sensors to me. Bob Grisby said (at the Sunnyvale tech session) on Saturday that the latest O2 sensors could go 60k miles but some of the early 90's models only went about 60k miles. How many miles on your car?
  12. T(echnical)S(ervice)B(ulletin) 6420 is titled "Noises at the Windshield and Rear Window"and has a series of fixes for early 996's. Contributing Members can read this TSB (as well as other TSBs) online here.
  13. Chances are your CEL is flashing - If so, the car should not be driven. P0300 Misfire Damaging to Catallytic Converter P0303 Misfire, Cylinder 3, Damaging to Catalytic Converter P0306 Misfire, Cylinder 6, Damaging to Catalytic Converter Hmm... cylinder 3 and 6 are on different cylinder banks. Have the spark plugs been changed recently?
  14. No factory LSD was available for the Boxster. On a Boxster the transmission and transaxle are one - and they share the the same gear oil supply. The article you reference is for a 968 - a front engine - rear transaxle car. A 968 is completely different than a Boxster. Use the transmission oil change DIY here as a better reference. On a Boxster you will need remove part of the rear support members to get access. General instructions are here.
  15. It is very similar to the 996 install. If you want the full switched control then you would need to run the wiring through the car from the engine compartment to the dash. Add the relay and wiring to the fuse panel, add the vacuum connections in the engine compartment and mount the mufflers. The signal for activating the flaps in the main exhaust mufflers is provided by maps in the DME control module, not via the vehicle speedometer as was done with previously version systems.
  16. Nat, Do you have the part number for the plugs? So we can figure out if they are the wrong heat range or profile.
  17. Have you changed the spark plugs recently? Fault area - Fouled, faulty or incorrect spark plugs - Contact resistance (coils) - Loose contacts
  18. Can you post all the fault codes? and any other symptoms... These are for most of the current cars: Description -- Value -- Deviation Oxygen sensing, cylinder 1 - 3 -- 1.0 -- ±0.05 Oxygen sensing, cylinder 4 - 6 -- 1.0 -- ±0.05 Range 2, cylinder 1 - 3 (FRA) -- 1.02 -- ±0.04 Range 2, cylinder 4 - 6 (FRA2) -- 1.03 -- ±0.05 Range 1, cylinder 1 - 3 (TRA) -- 0.00 -- ±0.1 Range 1, cylinder 4 - 6 (TRA2) -- 0.00 -- ±0.1 O2 sensor voltage ahead of cat. conv. -- 0.04 ≤ UL ≤ 0.79 V O2 sensor voltage 2 ahead of cat. conv. -- 0.04 ≤ UL2 ≤ 0.79 V O2 sensor voltage behind cat. conv. -- 0.04 ≤ UL ≤ 0.79 V O2 sensor voltage 2 behind cat. conv. -- 0.04 ≤ UL2 ≤ 0.79 V
  19. :welcome:
  20. Unless you own a Porsche system tester or a Bosch compatible tester - no. Chances are your car need the seat belt buckle TSB done. The Porsche system tester can verify this as the trouble area that triggered the light.
  21. Could be RMS, cam cover, Variocam solenoid, or even oil/water heat exchanger. Can you get a pic of where the engine mates to the transmission? If it is clean then that should rule out RMS.
  22. Not even close. 986 Intake 987 Intake
  23. The valves are "normally open" - loud.
  24. 996 424 980 02 8YR Carbon/Leather Handbrake (black) 996 424 980 02 C50 Carbon/Leather Handbrake (graphite grey) Will fit either Boxster (986) or Carrera (996).
  25. Not sure what you mean by crevices. Do you have a pic you could post? I have a MY99 also and the only standard trim for that year was graphite grey. It has kind of a speckled finish to hide fingerprints.
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