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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Correct on the Litronics upgrade (even from a dealer) you do not get self leveling. on the (MY02 and newer) Bi-Xenon you do.
  2. :welcome: Have a look at the DIY section... this is a 15 minute job (drain time is 20 minutes). On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most difficult this is barely a 1. You will also save few hundred dollars. Or better yet come to one of our Bay Area work on cars days and we'll help you!
  3. Excellent! :D
  4. You will need to put a OBD II scan tool on it to see if it is generating fault codes (not all fault codes turn on the CEL). The better tools will actually graph the performance of key components (like the MAF, fuel trim, O2 sensors, etc.).
  5. Here is what the OBD II manual says about P0153: They go on to suggest that you reset the code and if comes back replace the oxygen sensor.
  6. I assure you there is plenty I don't know...
  7. LOL... I have gotten phone calls from the last two owners of my 1976 911S. Both were polite but I have no idea how they tracked me down....
  8. Porsche does not recommend X74 for any pre MY02 car. In MY02 they stiffened some chassis mounting points and X74 can be used on those "stiffened" cars.
  9. Have you looked at the ground connections?
  10. I have all the US MY03 order guides. Which one's do you need?
  11. The part number above is for a PCM1 early version. It was replaced by 996 642 905 04 EFR -- still PCM1.
  12. Have a look at TSB 2/00 9112 TrafficPro CD Radio & Navigation (dated 2-25-2002).
  13. 996 563 551 00 01C Hardtop Lining Trim (item 3)
  14. I think I may still have mine... although the relay has been opened for pictures. Let me know if you are interested and I'll try to find it. (ps. If you validate your email change (by clicking on the link in the email) and it does not return you to the Contributing Members group - please let me know so I can fix it.)
  15. 000 044 500 38 is the RoW 20 mm lower X73 kit for C4S.
  16. I would try it without removing the ball joint first. Remove the swaybar first to relieve the pressure. If you can get the wheel hub down enough to get the old strut out (and the new strut in) then you won't need it. If you end up needing it then just buy or rent a ball joint tool (that fits Porsche).
  17. No, both are water cooled. The Boxster engine is turned 180 degrees from the Carrera and is fitted into a smaller/flatter space.
  18. Berny, What models? 986/987 Boxster, 996/997 Carrera, GT2, GT3, TT and Cayenne would be nice... but if you want to do all Porsche models that will be a BIG project.
  19. If someone has the codes from a Porsche OBD II manual (DME 7.8 version) I'll be happy to post them here. Most of the existing Porsche codes are the same and DME 7.8 just has more. What code are you getting?
  20. Yes, same gear oil. I have two documents - one says .9 liters to refill and another says 1.5 liters. Please let me know which is right so I can post the right numbers. Thanks!
  21. Even though they both start with 996 101 901 xx ... the Carrera 3.4 is an 01 and the Boxster S is an 02. I do not know the differences. :welcome: to RennTech.org
  22. Did you look at the manual transmission DIY here? I guess we could add it there? The front differential is another .9 liters. 1. Remove front underside panels. 2. Place oil collection pan under the front wheel drive. 3. Unscrew oil filler screw A. 4. Unscrew oil filler screw B and drain transmission oil. Refill and torque both screws to 21 ftlbs. (28 Nm)
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