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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Most OBD II scanners can not reset an airbag light. Hard to say what triggered the light but it is most likely the seat belt contacts - if that TSB has not been performed.
  2. Pretty much the same as the Carrera - except they are bigger. It appears that if there are vibration dampers then they come with the pads. Front/Rear Brakes
  3. It is pretty much the same as the Carrera. The service manual shows the same procedure for the standard Carrera, GT3 and C4S (same as TT). The bolt locations are the same, the ducts behind the bumper are just a different shape.
  4. Yes, the cap was changed and the new part number should end in 01. There have also been at least 4 coolant tank designs due to cracking. There is a DIY here to change your coolant tank if needed. A third possibility is that coolant is getting into the your oil (not good). Chances are it is one of the first two.
  5. Window Tinting Laws Chart by State
  6. Only the outside "n" shaped piece changed (as well as the vent design). The radio, climate controls, etc. did not change. The change took place in MY02.
  7. 996 606 103 01 Switch - retails for about $6
  8. You mean a "Workshop Service Action" not a recall. Recalls must be reported to the NHTS - Office of Defects Investigation are a matter of public record. WSA's (usually on given VIN vehicles) are voluntary actions taken by Porsche perhaps to avoid a "recall".
  9. The Porsche parts list only shows one - for all years. 996 552 153 01 01C Cover in black
  10. 996 635 206 04 high tone horn - retail $31.00 996 635 205 04 low tone horn - retail $27.33
  11. With the radio on, hold the "TP" button for 5 seconds until the active screen "Becker" appears. Then turn the right hand knob one click at a time until the radio window displays the serial number of the radio. PM me the serial number - I have a little program that works 95% of the time.
  12. Yeah, no problem. Thanks for your donation!
  13. Well, on C4's there is another issue (which I think is in the owners manual). If you disconnect the battery with less than 1/4 tank and then fill the tank - the calibration will be off.
  14. do you need radio codes if you disconnect the battery? Yes, unless your car has the MOST CDR-23.
  15. TSB 1/04 2066 Incorrect Fuel level Display In Instrument Cluster (dated 3-26-04) You likely need to have a dealer perform this TSB update.
  16. tiptronic? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2313 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4492&hl= http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3680
  17. Hmm... the Boxster manual I looked at is quite old (body pages from 1997). It says that you need to put a PVC seal on the crimped seam of the wheel arch on the fender. That is the only mention of "sealing" in the Boxster manual. On the other hand, my Carrera manual is more up to date (body pages from 2002). The fenders are the same and in the newer Carrera version there is no mention of sealing or any sealer at all. Perhaps Porsche now pre-seals that wheel arch in their factory replacements? The key in a fender replacement (besides good color matching) is the gap dimensions at the hood, front bumper, door, and headlight. All of these need to right before the new fender is tightened down. Porsche (and I assume good body shops) use gages that hold the correct gap while they tighten down the fender. Good luck on your decision.
  18. No, P1128 is: Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 1 . 3) - Rich Threshold This means that oxygen sensing at rich threshold is stored in the memory, this means that the fuel/air mixture is too lean. The DME can not compensate for the lean mixture by making the mixture more rich - it is at it's max rich threshold and still the O2 sensor says it's too lean. Since you do not seem to have a P1130 (cylinders 4-6) then that would imply that there is an air or exhaust leak on the 1-3 cylinder side. Could be as simple as the oil filler cap (o-ring) or as bad as the oil separator.
  19. Check your option codes under the front hood. M524 - 433 MHz drive block alarm (Most of RoW) M525 - 315 MHz drive block alarm (US/Canada, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong)
  20. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=18105 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=18113 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...=findpost&p=554 ... and likely many more
  21. Covered many times here... try doing a search and reading the product reviews.
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