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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Very, nice! You do know that you can have multiple pics per message - up to your 250k limit?
  2. C02 - Equipped with catalytic converter 198 - Starter 1.7 kw 232 - 17" tires 249 - Tiptronic transmission 394 - Boxster 17" wheels 432 - Steering wheel with Tiptronic controls 454 - Automatic Speed Control 490 - Sound System (Harmon I think) 502 - Made in Finland 535 - Anti-theft lock 315 mhz 551 - Wind deflector 584 - Storage box behind seats
  3. The US and Canada MY2006 Boxster order guides are not out yet. There is a sales bulletin (from May 2005) that says TPMS will be available on MY2006 997 (option 482) but does not mention 987.
  4. I think the issue is cross-threading.
  5. Here is a link to a small really easy to use FREE program. IrfanView Just go to Image - Image Resize/Resample then set the image size to something like 800 x 600 and set the DPI to 72. Then Save As and you are done.
  6. Most likely, certainly worth a try. The TSB is for "BOSE amplifier - Sporadic sound failure in vehicles with PCM2 (I No. 8DV, 8DQ) and BOSE sound package (I No. 9VL". It involves a software update to the BOSE amplifier. In some cases I've heard they replaced the CDR-23 also.
  7. 996 537 085 07 Outer Left door gasket - retail $207.07 996 537 086 07 Outer Right door gasket - retail $207.07
  8. Not according to the TSB for the Aerokit Cup or Aerokit II. C4S, GT2, GT3, TT all get two struts but regular C2 and C4 do not... go figure I have a factory installed Aerokit on my MY99 car and one strut has held just fine.
  9. You can get a very high quality image suitable for posting that is under 100k. Regular members are limited to 250k per post. Contributing Members get 1000k (1MB) per post. How big are your images?
  10. There is a (non-printable) list in the Porsche parts catalog -- by model - by year. It usually has 99.5% of them. If you want help on these then I will need to know exact model, year and US/Canada car or RoW car.
  11. No, not sealed. Porsche does not supply internal parts for either the 5 speed or 6 speed Boxster/Carrera transmissions. Only limited parts are available for the GT3 transmission (mainly gear sets). Porsche claims that it is cheaper and better for the customer to get a rebuilt (exchange) transmission from their vendor.
  12. 1. Remove the door panel to gain access to the holding clip. 2. Press out clip with a plastic spatula. 3. Pull off door seal on the outside. 4. Carefully pull the seal out of the clips along the door contour. First position door seal on the outside at the top edge of the door and push it on. Rest of the installation is the reverse of above.
  13. All the rest of those parts on the that list ("Brake Pads for Racing Circuit Use") are Porsche Motorsports part numbers. Sorry...
  14. I guess so... thew parts list does not show the felt covers.
  15. I'm very happy with the S03's. I'm running 225/40 and 285/30. Only thing I would do different is go with 235/40 in front next time.
  16. Porsche dealers usually warranty all of their shop work. Show them the documentation on the previous fix.
  17. Then I would suggest you take it your dealer for a software upgrade (that only they can do).
  18. The MAF is on the round tube that goes to the throttle body. The connection comes off by squeezing the two tabs on the connector while pulling. Some folks have been able to loosen everything in the car and lift the top half enough to get the old filter out and the new filter in. I personally like to take the whole thing out and clean it out before putting a clean filter in.
  19. Here is the diagram for the 996 lid. The 997 has the lock in the center instead of the left edge. Still 11 screws to release the outer cover so you can get at the two screws that hold the latch.
  20. It is very similar to the 996 glove box. Remove the screws on the inside of the lid to get access to the two screws that hold the latch/lock mechanism. Remember this is a keyed lock that matches your ignition key.
  21. The Comfort Control has nothing to do with the radio. A loose ground or bad radio is more likely. There is also a TSB for sporadic failures with the Bose system and PCM2 (if you you have those).
  22. This one? or the one at the bottom of the window?
  23. dj996 - sorry I had forgotten about that write-up. I guess I should pin it.
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