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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The adjustment procedure is written in your Owners Manual.
  2. Sorry,maybe one of the PCM2 owners can remember because I can't how to do it. I think you let it startup normally then choose PCM from the menu and then serial number is under one of the items on the list.
  3. Can you identify the part from image 1 or image 2? Image 1 Image 2
  4. That is not a good number. Steel brakes: 996 352 949 02 is the number for a TT rear pads (through MY04) 996 351 949 12 are the TT front pads
  5. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=27698
  6. I don't see any recommendations in the manual. What is the problem with your sunroof? Is it making noises or not moving smoothly?
  7. The control box is used for adding in the Xenon (low beam) and Halogen (high beam) on Litronics when the hign beams are selected. If you just plug the lights in they will work as Xenon low beams and Halogen high beams - period. Automatic leveling is not possible on an after-production Litronics car as the sensors and wiring are not on the car.
  8. The interface to the CDC-4 is optical (fiber optic). Try an FM modulator.
  9. I posted the Targa switch here.
  10. Have a look in the Forum Features Explained Forum here. If you are still having problems let me know and I will try to help.
  11. Thank you for your contribution! :cheers:
  12. The Porsche tool is a a T-handle so it will take some force to unlock it. It will snap to unlock and snap to lock. As I recall turn it towards the front of the car to unlock. When you put the Litronics in make sure it snaps locked. You should not be able to move it when pulled on - if not they will come flying out the first time you hit the brakes hard. :eek:
  13. Contributing Members can view (all the) TSBs ;) ;)
  14. For a MY2000 Boxster option code 413 is the following: Front: 993 362 134 06 7.5" x 18" ET 50 Rear: 993 362 138 01 9" x 18" ET 52 If your wheels do not have these part numbers on them then someone changed them.
  15. Sandy and I went through the aerokit harness this last weekend. Here are his comments:
  16. Those are front wheels 7.5" x 18" offset 50 mm - they should fit fine. What about the rears?
  17. No, only if they are leaking.
  18. 996 613 151 00 A05 Window switch with mat black finish (MY02 -) retail $30.47
  19. Flashing Coolant Light - What it means...
  20. I meant what chemicals - soaps, cleaners, etc. Some are know to cause paint (or at least clear coat) peeling.
  21. A number of contributors have not yet been upgraded to Contributing Members because their PayPal email address (and/or name) does not match the RennTech.org memberlist. For our members protection we always ask that they verify PayPal email address AND their RennTech.org email address (when they are not the same). The following contributors have been sent emails (to their PayPal email address) and we are waiting for valid RennTech.org email addresses to upgrade their accounts. I need your login name (or the email account you used for RennTech.org) in order to find you and upgrade your membership. Please email or PM me with either. (Name as it appears on the PayPal confirmation) 2004 Ruth Conlon (May 8) Peter Koning (June 10) Kenneth Doleski (August 26) Alton Lawrence (November 24) Christopher Chin (December 23) 2005 Chung Lee (April 17) Harrison Hubard (May 25) Glenn DeWeirdt (June 8) Matt Duff (June 28) Laurence Jitts (September 20) 2006 Steve Sullivan (January 22) Richard Likness (January 26) Robert Doran (February 16) Andrew Golding (December 19) 2007 Madison Flying Service, LLC (March 22)
  22. Page 96 D-3 from the Carrera Service Manual (supplement 84 - 2003):
  23. I think they are only about $100 - from a dealer.
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