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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The steering angle sensor is integrated into the steering column switch on a Cayenne. I wonder if it was damaged or disconnected with the airbag work.
  2. It depends on the suspension. Stock US, stock RoW, X73?
  3. Sorry, they do not. They only stock and sell complete headlight units. Each Litronic headlight has a retail price of $1260.16.
  4. P0410 Secondary Air Injection System, Bank 1 - Below Limit - Signal Implausible (Cylinders 1 - 3) P1411 Secondary Air Injection System, Bank 2 - Below Limit - Signal Implausible (Cylinders 4 - 6) Sounds like your air pump was not working. Could be a loose connection.
  5. Did you read the "Forum Features Explained" Forum? Here is a link to the section on attachments Attachments
  6. Most likely you just got water in the connector.
  7. To my knowledge there are only two or three ways a cat can go bad. One is that it becomes clogged with debris - from rusting and breakdown of pre-cat pipes or the cat breaking down itself. The second is that it becomes contaminated. Some engine oil additives or engine problems that cause the mixture or the temperature of the exhaust gases to change can reduce the effectiveness and life of the cat. Leaded gasoline and the over-use of fuel additives are said to shorten the life of a cat considerably. Even some gasket sealers and cements can contaminate a cat. Finally, physical damage to the cat by backing over something or being struck (as in an accident).
  8. Darn, don't you hate when those OBD II codes are right? ;) Glad it's taken care of.
  9. Special thanks to drpaulmarsh, Ryan Hanson & Hans Wiederrich for their fine write of a RoW M030 Suspension Install. Great job! :cheers: The new DIY is in the DIY section and can be found here.
  10. If the car was always taken to the same dealer then I would think they can make copies of their work. All work should be recorded in the PCNA database but I have never seen a printout from that database. So, I don't know if it is possible.
  11. OMG... an owners manual is like $18 from a dealer
  12. Each circuit (switched and unswitched) have a 7.5 A fuse. So as long as you don't have option(s) M614 (phone prep - motorola), M618 (phone prep - generic), or M662 (Nav) then the circuit is unused.
  13. Well, if the cat is not doing it's job then the O2 sensor will tell the DME to make the fuel mixture leaner or richer. At some point it will not be able to maintain proper mixtures. Potentially it could run the engine way too lean and cause damage or way too rich and waste fuel.
  14. IMHO it is always safer to buy a Porsche spring/strut/swaybar set. Porsche tunes the components for the car and the application.
  15. Those are the underbody covers.
  16. They are captive... how did you lose one? They do not have a part number in the parts list... and I doubt you can find them at Home Depot. Perhaps a good automotive store or a wrecking yard.
  17. Keep the key out of the ignition. Even with the car off the airbags are active when the key is in. To be safe I would disconnect the battery. If your radio is a CDR-23 then the code is stored in the cars computer.No codes or trip to the dealer is needed - unless you change radios.
  18. It can be fitted with some work. The reinforcement behind the bumper either needs to be cut or replaced with the C4S/TT reinforcement and the ducting to the radiators needs to be changed out. Search here for posts by (admin) doncapecod. He has pics and details of his conversion on his MY02 Cab.
  19. I heard a story that Porsche gave most of the club racers in Europe steel brakes if they wanted them - free.
  20. Have someone with an OBD II scanner check for codes. Could be the idle control valve (if it is a C2). They carbon up and stick. If it can't be cleaned then it will likely need to be replaced.
  21. RoW M030 front suspension coil spring for MY02 - coupe. Should be marked with green and white.
  22. Make sure you have logged out and back in so the board will sign you in as a Contributing Member. Then you will need to click on the link on the TSB pages.
  23. Have you tried the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). Email JeffClark@sunsetimports.com and tell him I sent you.
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