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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Sorry, not a good number. (There are no sequence of numbers that start with 996 555 833 ... that I can find). The number sequence should be like: 996 555 251 03 A11 where A11 signifies the color code (black leather in my example)
  2. Try using the Search feature as this has been covered many times here. For instance http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=14785
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=17391
  4. Current/past year US sales are here.
  5. Since the order guides are now out - you can order one now. My guess is delivery won't be until January.
  6. If the buttons light then it is not the fuse. (BTW... there is a full fuses listing in a booklet on the backside of the fuse box cover). There is a TSB for BOSE problems with PCM2 where they change out the BOSE amp. If you have PCM2 that could be it.
  7. We have added a new forum for the Cayman S - in the Boxster category.
  8. Item 7 below... Thanks for your donation! :thumbup:
  9. IMHO there is likely no reason to remove the throttle body (on a 996) to clean it. I would however remove and clean the idle speed control solenoid. (Only 99 C2's have this as egas did away with the need). Those things get really gummed up with carbon and the then stop working - making for a rough or hunting idle. In some cases where cleaning doesn't work they should be replaced. Carefully remove the electrical connection and then the two (hex as I recall - or were they Torx?) screws. Be careful to not damage the paper gasket (or lose it). Clean it with the same injector cleaner then put it back on.
  10. Gumout is just lacquer thinner - so if you go a lot into the intake I guess it could cause a flooded like condition. I would let it evaporate overnight and then try it again.
  11. I'm not that familiar with all the 993 jargon. Can you tell me a little more about what I am looking for? Thanks
  12. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=29574
  13. P140 possible causes: Open circuit in signal wire or ground wire of one oxygen sensor. Oxygen sensor heating not functioning. DME control module output stage faulty. Potential fixes: - Wiring harness - Oxygen sensor - DME control module P139 possible causes: Oxygen sensor value does not change towards rich or lean. Potential fixes: - Oxygen sensor P1117 possible causes: Heating current too low. Potential fixes: - Contact resistance. - Heating resistance too high. - Open circuit in heating current circuits. - Open circuit in H02S signal wire. - Short to B+ (output stage cut off). - Heating resistance too high. - Open circuit in heating current circuits. - Open circuit in H02S signal wire. - Short to B+ (output stage cut off). P1275 possible causes: Emission values are exceeded by 1.5 x. Potenial fixes: - Oxygen sensor Looks like a bad O2 sensor to me...
  14. What model year? RoW or US car? Have you bled the brakes recently?
  15. We have added the 2006 model year Cayman S order guides for the US and Canada. Other order guides will be added as they become available.
  16. IMHO with a 5 year battery you are living on borrowed time - it can't have much life left. I would change the battery now and eliminate it as a cause before it strands you somewhere.
  17. Yeah, TT will take a little longer. The rear bumper removal is pretty easy 5- 10 minutes. Intercooler will take more time.
  18. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=493
  19. We have added the 2006 model year Boxster and Boxster S order guides. Other order guides will be added as they become available.
  20. 997 555 071 03 FSA Left side trim panel in leather (black/grey). Sorry, my April 2005 price list does not have a price for this part - I would guess around $500 retail. I'm sure the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can give you a good price.
  21. Sorry, I haven't looked at how the windscreen attach. Item 7 is the rear seat side panel. Is that what is damaged? If so, what color of leather (or leatherette)? Alos, US or RoW car?
  22. You will get two parts when buy the coils (group item 1). Usually just the top plastic/ceramic part breaks but you should still inspect the wires/connector for damage.
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