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Everything posted by Loren

  1. A flashing coolant light can mean more than air bubbles. So the light comes on without the engine running could mean several things. Here is the long explanation from the service manual on the flashing coolant light. "Four functions of the coolant warning light: 1. Engine coolant level too low -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) 2. Engine compartment temperature too high -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) (engine compartment blower might be faulty) 3. Engine coolant temperature too high -- light is lit; pointer on the right 4. Temperature sensor at water outlet faulty -- light flashes rapidly (1 Hz) ; pointer on the right Note: The temperature warning in point three is indicated if the conditions "engine coolant temperature too high" and "engine coolant level too low" are present simultaneously."
  2. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks of driving with the bleed valve open to clear trapped air in the system. It is fine to drive the car with the bleed valve open - Cupcars do it all the time. The only other choice is to use the Porsche recommended vacuum filling technique to refill the system.
  3. Try Becker. http://www.becker.de
  4. Yes, for a MY99 - 00 coupe Carrera. A Cabriolet has a different part number as does the MY01 cars. And, of course in MY02 they went to the BOSE (MOST based) system. 996 645 312 00 Booster digital sound processing, MY99-00, Coupe M680
  5. Yeah, if it's not a loose wire the dealer will likely replace the whole PCM1 head unit.
  6. The openings in the C4S bumper are larger - so if you want to take advantage of that (for better cooling - and looks) you could use the C4S ducts. I think they will fit your radiators. The C4S actually uses different radiators and mounting brackets but several folks have just installed the C3S bumper and left everything else as is. If you want the complete parts list just PM me.
  7. Doh! I guess I should have posted that here to. TSB 20/03 9662 Replacing The Key Remote Control Battery (dated 06-25-04) describes how changing the battery "incorrectly" can cause the processor to lock up and stop functioning. If this happens it instructs you to:
  8. There is no diference between a C2 and C4 front bumper. C4S yes - C2 and C4 no.
  9. My mistake I thought you said under the driver seat. I believe that is the central informer (part of the instruments and senders circuit). See below:
  10. 996 575 321 00 Left air duct (driver side) -- Retail $77.76 996 575 322 00 Right air duct (passenger side) -- Retail $77.76 999 919 134 09 Oval head screws for ducting (14 needed per car) -- Retail $0.60 (each) 999 702 214 40 Grommet (for air temp sensor) -- Retail $1.40
  11. What is the car chassis that you want ducts for a Carrera or GT3? With or without the center radiator duct?
  12. Yes, just the tips change should work for the mufflers. I don't think Porsche sells the electronics/vacuum kit by itself. I gave mine to a board member. Without the electronics/vacuum kit the PSE will be always open (loud). That is the way mine is. I don't find it too loud - I just don't drive through my neighborhood at 4000 RPM.
  13. The fact that it is only happing on two cylinders (center cylinder on each side) would make me suspect coils or wires. It's not too hard hard to swap coils with another cylinder - at least that would tell you if it follows the coil. BTW... what are the fault codes? p.s. Thanks for your latest donation!
  14. Yes, all the Carrera mufflers will interchange (in pairs). The tailpipe tips will not interchange because of the rear bumper redesign for MY02 (not will the C4S tips fit for the same reason). As long as you re-use the tips from your car you should be fine.
  15. I am still looking for a better solution for the reviews section - there are lots of applications out there but very few that are "tune-able". You can use a credit card to donate - that is, you don't need a PayPal account. Or, you can PM me and I will give you my address (privately) if you want to write a check. A few folks have done that. Did you know that you can click on the sub forum links to take you right to Cars for Sale or Parts for Sale? No extra clicks... And you can "monitor" any forum (or topic) by clicking on "Options" and subscribing to the forum or topic. When you "subscribe" the site will send you an email when new topics (or responses) are posted.
  16. 996 631 050 00 Additional stop light - Retail $91.84 (US)
  17. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4650
  18. Thanks to Tool Pants: "The model number has to be put in the DME with the PST2."
  19. Yeah, I seem to remember Tool Pants saying that Peter had done it and the setting was different than the older cars - or something like that. I'll PM him and see if he remembers...
  20. 999 591 930 40 Cable holder - Retail $0.23 each
  21. So for a mere $20,000 (aftermarket) or an $18,000 per year lease from Porsche you too can have a PIWIS tester.
  22. Yes, the PST2 is a custom version of Windows 3.11 (Windows for Workgroups). I bought a used PST2 (Toshiba clone) from a shop that is converting to PIWIS (if I only had an extra $20,000 I would have a PIWIS too). The machine boots into the PST2 software and the only time you see a Windows 3.11 screen is during the printer setup. The OBD II cable connects to a Bosch custom (serialized) PCMCIA card in both the real PST2's and the clones. I guess they like the Toshiba laptops because there is a card lock that prevents the user from accidentally pulling out PCMCIA card out when the OBD II cable is pulled on.
  23. Front or rear? (or both?) A picture would help too...
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