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Everything posted by Loren

  1. One copper ring is for the oil tank and one aluminum ring for the case drain plug. Sounds like you now have a spare. :D
  2. The small o-ring should be with the filter (1 large o-ring and 1 small o-ring). It goes on the small end filter stalk. I know some folks resuse them. Copper ring is for the oil tank and the aluminum ring is for the case drain plug. You need all the parts you have... and lots of oil ;)
  3. Top pic is Litronics. Bottom pic is Bi-Xenon as use on TT/GT2/Carrera from MY02. They are NOT interchangeable.
  4. 2006_cayman_S_specs.pdf
  5. 2006_cayman_S_specs.pdf
  6. Porsche has published a 997 Service Manual but it is anywhere but complete. Many sections are still missing including the wring diagrams. The best we could hope for is that it is the same or similar to the last 996's. If it is like the 996 then you should need to take the mirror but the roof console will need to be opened, Generally Porsche uses brown colored wires as ground and the last 996's (2005) used black/orange for power.
  7. I don't know where you live but in California you would pass smog for a couple weeks after a CEL. The DME has to record a certain number of "good" drive cycles after a CEL or it will fail. Wow with all those codes the first thing I would check would be that the DME cable is tightly screwed on. The I would look for loose vacuum lines. A clogged fuel filter could explain the rich threshold faults and maybe the misfires but not the air pump. The air pump could be a fuse or perhaps it is unplugged. If the CEL is flashing you risk damage to your cats if you drive the car.
  8. According to the September 2005 US Retail Price List - Yes. You have the right part numbers now give the folks at Sunset Imports a call - as I said before I'm sure they have much better prices.
  9. No, you asked for just the GT3 bumper. If you want the complete bumper kit it is: 000 044 802 28 G2X Front Spoiler set - MSRP $1745.52 The side skirt kit is: 000 044 802 15 Sill Cover set - MSRP $889.39 BTW... both of these come unpainted so you will need a body shop to paint to match your car.
  10. All MY06 (available) Order Guides have been updated as of today - September 13, 2005.
  11. 996 505 980 06 G2X Front Embellisher MSRP: $1745.52 Do you need just one side skirt (if so which side) or the upgrade kit?
  12. Hi, Why is it that the earlier MY ('97-'02) are not available in the Archives? Isn't that what Archives are for? Happy Motoring!...Jim'99 Because we don't have a copy of those manuals? If you have a copy we will post them?
  13. We added the following new/superseded TSBs today: Boxster (986) 1/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche July 28, 2005 1/05 0335 On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) Manual Supplement July 7, 2005 Boxster (987) 1/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche July 28, 2005 Carrera (996) 1/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche July 28, 2005 1/05 9662 Design Key July 29, 2005 Carrera (997) 1/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche July 28, 2005 Carrera GT 1/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche July 28, 2005 Cayenne 1/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche July 28, 2005 (V8 series only) 29/04 9110 BOSE Sound Package: Sound Failure July 5, 2005 26/04 9110 PCM2.1 & BOSE Amplifier Spare Parts Requirements July 5, 2005 TT/GT2 1/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche July 28, 2005 1/05 9662 Design Key July 29, 2005 Only Contributing Members can view TSBs online.
  14. Yeah, most of it should be very similar.
  15. Did you know you can download a copy of the manual here
  16. The side panel is covered in the post here. I will send you some other info in a PM.
  17. Yup I wrote is backwards...
  18. As my instructions said - don't tighten anything down until you get the alignment right. On a MY02 and newer car measurement A should be 22 mm. The tip B should stick out about 7-10 mm. You may have to move the whole muffler a little (on the 3 -13 mm studs) to get proper alignment as well as the clamp on the exhaust tip itself.
  19. A C4S has the reflector on the main body and the TT lid is longer because it does not have the reflector area.
  20. Yes Porsche publishes a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price list. But as the name says it is "suggested". Give me the part numbers they quoted you and I'll look them up on the September 2005 list (which has a bunch of increases). Also, have you checked with Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). I doubt you can beat their prices.
  21. Very nice! :thumbup:
  22. If you disconnect it for any period of time you will get a CEL. The air pump is there for emissions. In California the state required smog test will actually test your air pump to make sure it hasn't been disconnected and is working.
  23. Yes, my information is from the 996 manual (Group 1: Engine, Part 2 (as of Repair Group 15 - Engine - Cooling). Chances are that your Boxster manual does not have all the update supplements. This was added in a later supplement in the 996 manual so I suspect it was added to the Boxster manual too.
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