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Everything posted by Loren

  1. So if I understand - it is the triggering unit under the drivers seat - and it coincided with the removal of the drivers seat? Hmm... all the cables are plugged back in? and the control unit has not gotten wet? Also, did the dealer say what the airbag fault code number(s) were?
  2. Left side (drivers side US) is 996 701 801 00 Right side (passengers side US) is 996 701 802 00
  3. I don't think the mounts are any different. Are you sure you are putting them on the right side? There is a left hand one and a right hand one.
  4. I think that's rubbish. Mine is a 2000 model and the 997 seal number 997 101 212 00 was fitted at Porsche Stuttgart three weeks ago. I can fax you the invoice if you want. Obviously it's in German, but it's got the part number on it. Cheers, Uwe I agree. The September 2005 parts list shows it as the replacement for all model year 996 and 986 (as well as 997 and 987).
  5. No, find an independent shop that has a PST2 or PIWIS tester. Wher are you located?
  6. The TT engine uses a true dry sump oil system so there is no oil seperator bellows.
  7. I have a MY99 car and it has worked with every scanner I have tried.
  8. I think the airbag as the cause is highly unlikely unless the airbag went off. The seat belt contacts are a very common problem and the dealer should have a TSB with instruction on how to fix them. If that TSB has not been done to your car then I really question this dealers ability to work on Porsches.
  9. What? Please explain...
  10. Are you sure it is the hose and not the tank (above the hose)? Hose leaks are certainly possible but older tanks do crack and leak. If it is the hose you will also want to replace the spring clamp with screw-type hose clamps. If you want part numbers please provide you cars model year and transmission type (Tiptronics have some different hoses).
  11. They should be stored in memory - regardless of the current light status.
  12. We have added the DME Fault codes and DME Fault Texts for DME 7.2. DME 7.2 was used on: Boxster (986), S MY01-02 Carrera (996) 4, 4S MY99-01 Carrera (996) MY00-01 You can find this information in OBD II P-Codes
  13. Door locking on a PST2 was covered here. It is also covered in the workshop manual Group 0: Diagnosis Part 2 - Section 96-D5 page 12 (you won't have that unless your manual has supplement 84 from 2003). The mirror stuff in is the owners manual - although I think you can find more info if you do a search here.
  14. Find a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester and have them read out the ABS and PSM codes. Unfortunately, until you do that you are shooting in the dark.
  15. My MY99 has never had the PSE controls at all. I think it sounds the way a Porsche should sound.
  16. For a MY97 Boxster Position - Relay Function 1 - MFI (DME) 2 - Ignition/Oxygen Sensor 3 - Spoiler Extend 4 - Air compressor 7 - Start Lock 9 - Spoiler Retract 10 - Secondary Air Pump
  17. 996 106 147 56 Water reservoir - retail $255.79 (as of Sept 2005). I'm sure Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can beat that.
  18. Where are you located?
  19. There are two banks of relays. One for the engine DME, AC compressor, start lock, secondary air pump, and the spoiler extend and retract in the rear trunk (behind the carpet). The other (for most of the relays) is up under the dash on the left side - above the fuse panel.
  20. Yes, this is a common problem (you can find many posts on it here). Porsche is on a fourth generation of that tank. If you post the model year, exact model and whether the car is US/Canada or RoW I will get you the latest part number. There is also a link here to a DIY - likely a 5 or 6 or 1-10 scale.
  21. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=17157
  22. Performance Products has them but I think Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) is your best bet.
  23. Are you sure your battery is good? How old is the battery?
  24. I wouldn't start with the MAF. I would start by checking the seals on the gas cap and oil cap. And, make sure they are properly seated. They I would start looking and listening for air leaks - checking the hoses. Then I might clean the MAF with electronic contact cleaner. I wouldn't mess with a $400 part unless I am sure that is the problem and ready to replace it - IMHO of course.
  25. We don't publish manuals here. Why don't you tell us what your problem is and perhaps we can help?
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