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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Don't for the latch... Likely either the latch is bad or the cable is sticking.
  2. What a great excuse for a new wing ;) ;) 996 512 250 00 Rear wall - retail $78.45 (as of Oct 2005)
  3. It is not yet listed in the Porsche parts list or in the US dealer sales memos. The parts list gets updated monthly and the sales memos sometimes come out every week. We'll keep an eye out for it...
  4. Ask Tool Pants... he buys it by the gallon.
  5. I don't think that 18" wheels are approved for MY97 Boxsters. Something about the chassis not being stiff enough. Later cars had the added stiffening. You can find standard wheel offsets in your owners manual - or you can download a later model owners manual here.
  6. Since the only thing on that fuse is the front windows I would suspect one of the motors or a shorted wire. Have the door panels been off for speaker mods or anything? Did you look on the back of your fuse cover? There is a fuse plan there from the factory.
  7. Front window fuse on a MY02 is D1. That would be fourth row from the top, 1st fuse on the left. Should be 30 A.
  8. Thanks, that actually came from the workshop (service) manual.
  9. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...c=56&hl=sunroof
  10. There are three different DMEs for the Boxster - some codes are different. If would be really helpful if you told us the model year, standard or S version and any mods. And, are these Pcodes or Porsche fault codes?
  11. 996 631 495 00 Left rear light housing - retail $430.40 (as of Oct 2005) 996 631 496 00 Right rear light housing - retail $430.40
  12. Idle speed adjuster valve. This allows air around a closed throttle butterfly valve for idle purposes. This valve is used to stabilize the idle speed on MY99 C2's (non-egas cars). If you take the two torx screws out (be careful to not lose the paper gasket) then you will see the valve that is rotated by the solenoid. Sometime it gets gummed up with carbon and doesn't rotate - this can be cleaned with spray carb cleaner. Sometimes the solenoid goes bad and doesn't move the valve.
  13. If you car has the new latch covers and the unmodified hooks then I doubt it will close right. Or you may need the new latch covers... Here is the mod to the latch - there is more detail in the TSB.
  14. Send a PM to Tool Pants... I think he discussed this with Peter (the shop foreman at a local dealer).
  15. I have not seen a TSB on Cruise Control retrofit... but that does not mean it can't be done. There are two types of clusters the old type and newer (MY02 on) type. That statement is in the newer cluster section (K22; K23; K27; K31; K35). I think it is likely easier to retrofit cruise on the egas/new cluster cars.
  16. Hmm... I am not sure based on the colors you gave For a MY03 C4 - 6 speed - RoW M030 should be: front: lilac/silver rear: green/white Standard (US) should be: front: violet/green rear: brown/white US M030 should be: front: orange/green rear: grey/white
  17. It would help if you tell me Coupe or Cab and 6 speed or Tip.
  18. EFR is the older PCM 1 in gloss black (used in MY01 and older) EWD is the older PCM 1 in mat black (used in MY02 and newer)
  19. Does your car have the newer style latch covers and modification to the latch hooks? TSB 13/98 6119 Convertible Top Latch Cover Replacement - dated 3-25-99 covers the newer style latch replacement.
  20. Images type you can post here are: gif, jpeg, jpg, png Let me fix these up for you... (total for all 5 images as jpg files is: 409.97k
  21. Regular members are allowed 500k per post - whether 1 image or several - total can not exceed 500k. So that still pic must be very large. Try using Online Image resizer
  22. Both of those point to an open idle control valve. Have you checked the voltage to the coil of the valve?
  23. About the only thing I could think of would be to trace the installation and see if it was done right. The TSB for the auto dimming mirror(s) is in the Contributors only view of Current TSBs.
  24. 40th Anniversary logo placement 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position the Forty fast years logo with the dimensions A and B = 124 ±2 mm, C = 20 ±0.5 mm- and D = 8.5 mm on the rear lid and affix.
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