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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Oil drain plug on crankcase - 70 Nm (52 ftlbs) Oil drain plug for oil container - 60 Nm (44 ftlbs) Oil drain plug for turbocharger - 30 Nm (22 ftlbs) Oil filter cover - 25 Nm (19 ftlbs)
  2. Yes, bumper front fenders, headlights and wiring to the lights. The front bumper reenforcement will also need to be be cut back or replaced with the MY02 and newer one. Depending on the bumper you choose you may also need to replace the radiator ducting.
  3. You need to find someone with a PST2 (or PIWIS) and see what sensor is triggering. The PST2 can also test each alarm section (without actually setting the alarm off).
  4. There is a 7 page TSB that covers 9 different hardtop noise issues.
  5. I guess I would start to look at the wiring and pins in the plugs. Also, was the part number of the replacement the same as the original or a "newer" part number?
  6. Did you do the new throttle adaption?
  7. If you have the stock shifter there is no set screw. In that case the shift knob can be removed nt twisting and pulling at the same time. Be careful because sometime when it finally comes off - it is very abrupt.
  8. The parts list shows 996 637 243 01 for MY99-00. Of course you could always upgrade to the Carrera GT Design Key 000 044 000 83 ($120 US - retail as of Oct 2005). The design key needs to have your transponder moved to the new key. The older keys require an authorized dealer to program the new key into your car.
  9. We have added many new and or revised TSBs to the site with the site update today. Here are the new totals by model: Boxster (986) - 231 Boxster (987) - 43 Carrera (996) - 226 Carrera (997) - 59 Carrera GT - 10 Cayenne - 130 GT3 - 10 TT/GT2 - 126 Literature/Other - 32 You can read more about some of the site updates in my Blog here.
  10. Are you talking about the A/C Heater controls? on a US/Canada car? If so, the readout in the A/C controls can only be changed with a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester. If you are talking about the instrument cluster (on a US/Canada car) it can not be done.
  11. Folks -- please keep it friendly here. Let's talk Porsche's... (this thread is now closed)
  12. If that hose goes in a big way you will lose it all. A one year old car is way to early for hose issues unless it was defective from the factory or damaged somehow. Since you are still under warranty just let them fix it.
  13. Retail $29.52 (as of Oct 2005)
  14. Porsche has written an installation TSB that is quite good. It is TSB 0301 9142 Installation of Rear Speakers - dated 8-22-03. It is available here to view for any Contributing Member.
  15. Wrong! All you need to do is make sure that the Order Type in DME is set to 986310 for a Boxster or 986320 for a Boxster S. Once that is set you exit the DME. Then go to Instrument Cluster, Modify Coding and change the setting. Here are some pics of the 2nd part of the process: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=34584 Where are you located?
  16. 77 should be 77 mm long. I do not know the colors - but I am sure the part number is correct.
  17. Every wiring harness for cars that Porsche makes is custom. The harness is built to order. The PCM1 wiring diagram will only show the connections between the PCM1 components and a few external connections - but no hints on how to get the wires to those (external) points. A couple folks have done this and said it was a lot of trouble - most wish they had gone aftermarket. Perhaps one of our members can elaborate on the difficulty of a PCM1 retrofit...
  18. Your bolts should be 999 067 050 09 Pan-head screw. They are M 12 x 1.5 x 77. The PCCB calipers for TT and GT2 use longer M 12 x 1.5 x 85 bolts.
  19. Here is the complete list of parts (with the diagram from that page). If you can figure out which parts I can lookup the retail prices. MY03_cab_cover_parts.pdf
  20. I don't think it is urgent since they say to fix "In the event of a customer complaint...".
  21. TSB 3/05 4078 Rattling Noises From The Area Of The Front And Rear Axle - dated 7-6-2005. Your dealer should be able to take care of this.
  22. Push up and down on a fender (not hard enough to dent it it) and if the car returns to normal after one cycle the shock is likely fine. Do this on each corner. A bad shock will not retard the bounce.
  23. Certainly if you had all four springs done - and chances are they loosened or removed the swaybars for the work. I would go through and make sure everything is where it should be and tight. One other thing I guess could that happen is if one shock completely died - it might act pretty weird if that happened.
  24. Check for tire damage/proper inflation, loose wheel(s), loose sway bar, and perhaps even a spring that has shifted on it's mount.
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