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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Usually the MAF works or it doesn't. Did you look for carbon buildup in the throttle body and idle valve solenoid? If those are both clean and it still runs the same then a scan tool (that can read) MAF air flow should tell you if the MAF is questionable.
  2. US lights do not get the headlight leveling system. 000 044 900 39 is the part number for Litronics upgrade kit for RoW LHD cars. The TSB is here in the TSB section which is viewable by Contributing Members.
  3. One Tiptronic ground point is located in front of the instrument cluster on the dashboard support frame. The other Tiptronic ground point is located on the rear wall in the rear luggage compartment, between the DME control module and Tiptronic control module. There is also a connector that should be checked for corrosion or loose pins. Plug-in connector X 2/6 (21-pin, blue) is located beneath the convertible top on the right-hand side member (in the vicinity of the lower safety belt attachment).
  4. Gumout is a brand name I use. It is basically lacquer thinner - just keep it off the paint.
  5. 000 044 500 16 is for MY98 to 01 C4, Cab, 6 speed
  6. :oops: I thought you couldn't find it here... :lol: The paint data plate is located in the front of the luggage compartment on the left side wall under the carpet lining.
  7. Use the drop down menu Online Docs Menu then select External Paint Colors from the page menu choose Carrera (996) External Paint Colors.
  8. Item 11 - 996 111 241 00 Mounting Muffler (1 per car) - Retail $178.67 (each) as of Dec 2005
  9. The first two tests are continuity (ohms) so no power. The last two tests do require power so you will need a good ignition switch to get reliable readings.
  10. Good battery? Good ignition switch? Good grounds on the chassis? Those are the things I would check first since this is a very unusual (and intermittent) failure.
  11. Yes, I am sure. The C4S is in the TT category since it shares the same suspension. If you want to be sure call or email Jeff Clark at Sunset Imports.
  12. Item 12 - 996 111 314 00 Connecting tube (2 per car) - Retail $210.28 (each) as of Dec 2005 Item 13 - 996 111 209 00 Clip (2 per car) - Retail $19.72 (each) as of Dec 2005 Item 14 - 900 380 005 09 Hex Nut M8 (8 per car) - Retail $0.50 (each) as of Dec 2005 Item 17 - 996 111 110 00 Sleeve (2 per car) - Retail $32.34 (each) as of Dec 2005 Item 18 - 900 035 004 02 Washer R9 (2 per car) - Retail $0.50 (each) as of Dec 2005 BTW... you do know that as a Contributing Member can now look up your (MSRP) prices?
  13. 000 044 500 30 Sport type running gear for C4, Cab, 6 speed 000 044 500 32 Sport type running gear for C4, Cab, Tiptronic These numbers will fit MY02-MY05 C4 Cab only. Either way it should come with all the parts that need to change. Springs, shocks, bump stops, and swaybars (where they differ).
  14. Tell us the item numbers and we will look them up.
  15. IMHO - yes (if it has ever been replaced before) and yes. Make sure you get the newest RMS 997 101 212 00. See the thread here.
  16. We have just added (only for our Contributing Members) a Retail Price Search feature. Now Contributing Members can look up the US MSRP for any Porsche part(s). Just enter the part number (or the first few numbers of the sequence) and it will return the current Retail Price. Contributing Members will find links on the Online Docs Menu (drop-down menu) and in the 996, 997 (Carrera) Series DIY / How to... forum.
  17. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=29825 Be sure and read the whole thread for other tips.
  18. I'm not sure which parts you want. Can you identify them from the diagram below?
  19. Standard factory shifter or short shift option? The factory shifter does not have any adjustment for looseness - only for gear throw. You could have a worn bushing like the one Tool Pants showed here.
  20. TT (GT2 and GT3) have a completely different engine from the 996 and 986. Not to say there has never been an RMS failure - it would be very rare though.
  21. At first I thought it was the air pressure sensor but it does not look electrical (or the right shape). If that is just a hose connected to it then perhaps it is the oil breather hose from the oil system heat exchanger (burns the vapors for emissions).
  22. Isn't that the air inlet from the intercooler?
  23. If you add more than 8 ounces of coolant then I think I would also look for leaks. The older caps (part number ending in 00) are not very good and should be replaced with 01 caps. The tank should also be inspected as well as the hoses. Good luck!
  24. Contributing Members can have a link to read the entire TSB as published by Porsche. There is plenty of detail. Some TSBs are for tire, oil and other recommendations. Some are for adding accessories and some are for problems. Of the ones with specific problem fixes, I'd say about one third are for VIN specific issues. That is, only a few cars from a selected production run. RMS problems are a leaking Rear Main Seal on the engine. I think it is pretty rare on the new models and Porsche is on a 4th generation seal for the older cars. It would not stop me from buying another Porsche.
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