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Everything posted by Loren

  1. If P1128 (or P1130) (oxygen sensing at rich threshold) is stored in the memory, this means that the fuel/air mixture is too lean. Air leaks ahead of the oxygen sensors can lead to a fault in adaptation - Check exhaust system for leaks. - Check intake air system leaks.
  2. Porsche publishes a new "Approved Oil" bulletin every year. Contributing Members here can view the current bulletin online here. Joel and Bruce are tremendous resources to the Porsche community but sometimes their information is not current. Mobil 1 5W-50 has been off the "Approved Oils" list for over two years.
  3. 986 505 411 04 G2X Rear bumper lining (unpainted) -- retail (US) $489.36 (as of Dec 2005)
  4. Probably no dealer visit required. The remote alarm system shuts down after a few days. Try to using the key (the old fashioned way) to lock - then unlock the doors. If that does not restore the remote then something else is wrong.
  5. I doubt it. Like I said it is a poor connection problem - so the cold weather might be more of a factor. You can try resetting it (with a PST2 or PIWIS tester) but I think it will keep coming back on until it is fixed. JMHO.
  6. You did not say what year your car is? This is pretty common on MY99 and older (Carrera and Boxster). it did happen on some MY00 cars too. There is a TSB for the seat belt buckle problem (it is available here for viewing by Contributing Members). The problem is that the original seat belt buckles and electrical connectors can corrode over time and cause intermittent signals - this turns on the airbag light. Only a PST2 or PIWIS tester can turn the light off (once the problem is fixed). The buckles and connector pins need to changed to the newer gold plated ones. The TSB is 12 pages of retrofit instructions and the work requires soldering. The TSB time estimate is 2.8 hours. Unless you are familiar with electrical work you might want to leave this to a shop. I think you can get a better quote than $800 - in some cases Porsche AG has split the cost with customers. If you go to an independent shop jut make sure they have a PST2 or PIWIS tester to turn the airbag light off once the problem is fixed.
  7. Besides the 996.622.708.00 fiber optic cable you will need: Part Number Qty. Description 996 645 140 02 1x CD changer CDC4 996 645 229 00 1x Holder for CD changer (four-wheel drive) 999 500 078 00 2x M6 press-in nut 999 507 532 02 2x U-clip 900 378 179 09 5x Hexagon-head bolt M6 x 16 - EN 1665 900 378 188 09 4x Hexagon-head bolt M6 x 20 - EN 1665 N 014 128 13 6x Countersunk screw M5 x 8 - DIN 7985 N 903 352 04 1x Pin for cross section 1.0 - 3S N 103 357 01 1x Pin for cross section 0.35 - 1S 999 650 138 22 1x Pin for cross section 2.5 - 5.02 000 044 900 81 1x Electric wiring set
  8. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1218
  9. 996.645.140.02 replaces 996.645.140.01. The parts list says it is okay to use 996.645.140.01 until the stock is gone. But you may want the Tequipment kit 000.044.900.72 which includes cables and mounting hardware (except the fiber optic cable). The fiber optic cable you need will depend on the options already on the car (and whether the car is LHD or RHD). Do you have the BOSE (option 680) or Harman (option 490) sound system? Do you have the telephone option? The full CDC4 installation instructions are here for viewing by Contributing Members. (ps. I deleted your second post as your question is answered here. Please do not double post. Thanks!)
  10. I would certainly go back and ask them to check the tightness and alignment of the work they did. New suspension components are know to loose and should be re-torqued after the first couple of thousand miles. But this sounds much worse than that so it could be a mis-alignment or one side might have come loose.
  11. Which part(s)?
  12. Yes. Depending on the age of PSE system it could be part number 996.618.980.01, 996.618.980.02 or 996.618.980.03.
  13. For MY99 Carrrera: 996 652 101 00 Lighter -- Retail $9.87 (US retail as of Dec 2005)
  14. Gary, Yes, there is no retrofit kit and the wiring must be added - so most shops won't even try. PCM2 (on MY02 and newer MOST system cars) is pretty straightforward and CoryNJ already wrote a DIY here on that. Sure, if you have found an easier way to add PCM1 then please feel free to add it to the DIY Articles section here.
  15. Ah... sorry I missed it on my MY02 schematic. That orange/blue wire gets connected to all the other orange/blue wires on the OBD II connector pin A3 (also know as K lead). That wire is needed for PST2 diagnosis so the PST2 knows the PCM1 controller is there and can be coded.
  16. The reverse signal should be under the left hand seat (on LHD cars not sure about RHD cars). Should be Black/Blue connections already there - just add you PCM1 reverse wire to them (solder or crimp). What is the pin number on the PCM1 for Diagnosis? My schematic does not have anything labeled "Diagnosis".
  17. Try http://www.paintscratch.com. They are pretty close.
  18. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=14446
  19. 955 044 200 05 FUEL CAP TETHER $6.83 (all prices US Retail as of Dec 2005) 996 006 118 01 WARNING STICKER $2.21 996 201 241 03 Fuel cap with clip $6.84 BTW... As a Contributing Member you do know that you can lookup prices? It should be on your "Online Docs Menu".
  20. Only on Sandy's car and my car... ;) ;) ...and any others that did Sandy's mod. Sandy's Flashing Sidemarker Mod
  21. Please try using the search feature here. I found this question has been answered more than a dozen times already. Telephone prep connector. On it you will find: +12 volts unswitched (red/green) +12 volts switched (green/black) Ground (brown wire) Telephone Mute Signal (yellow/black wire)
  22. A Ball socket hex wrench allows you to be offset as much as 30 degrees and still turn the hex bolt. Here is a link to a set I bought a few years ago Ball End Hex Wrenches. Be sure and get the metric ones. The spark plug socket is pretty standard 5/8" is US. The spark plug socket is common but you will need a wobble extension to get the angle a couple of the plugs.
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