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Everything posted by Loren

  1. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=36407
  2. Yes. M220 LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL 40 % M222 TRACTION CONTROL SYSTEM M224 AUTOMATIC LIMITED SLIP DIFFERENTIAL M095 SPECIAL MODEL '40 YEARS 911' was only for MY04 and was a "sportier" version of the C4S suspension.
  3. I don't think RoW cars get the phone prep as standard (US/Canada cars do). Telephone mute should be a yellow/black wire coming off the radio (CDR-23) - plug A (black connector). You should be able to take switched power from fuse E8 - or a green/black wire from there. Fuse E8 is the 5th row from the top 8th fuse from the left.
  4. Transfer them from your old seats.
  5. I think your friend is thinking of DaimlerChrysler's Multiple Displacement System (MDS) V8. The specs for a V6 Cayenne state: City 16 MPG Highway 20 MPG So depending on your driving style that seems about right.
  6. You don't need to remove the drive shaft - but you do need to remove the axle nut on the wheel hub. The wheel hub will need to slide out and away from the car to clear the strut/spring assembly (after removing the track rod and control arm from the wheel carrier). Don't forget on any car with PSM that the steering angle sensor needs to be re-calibrated after any suspension change/alignment.
  7. If it is not too tight then you might get it off with one hand (as in photo 1). If it is on tight then grab the other way (photo 2) and then pull with the other hand while squeezing.
  8. Have a look at the DIY here.
  9. I really apprecaite it! :D My dealer installed my PSE on my 2006 997 3.6 so it functions the way it used to on the 996: I have it so it's closed normally, when I want to hear the car purr I press the button and it opens up. I like that a lot better than the goofy open or closed at various rpm ranges or speeds. There is an extra relay or something that they had to put in, I can take a picture of the extra relay if you guys want. how can i see the tsm. i can only see the headlines. there is nothing to click although i made a donation to renntech From the Donation page: "Many times you will be upgraded within a few minutes but it could take up to 24 hours." I upgraded you within 20 minutes of your donation ...it is Christmas day here.
  10. Replacing Reverse Lights/Back-Up Lights Switch thanks to member dphil66 :clapping:
  11. Have someone else check to see if your reverse lights are coming on when reverse is selected. If the reverse signal is not triggering then the tilt function will not activate either.
  12. Well, there is some history in the DME. You will need to find a shop or dealer with a PIWIS tester though. They can tell you stage 1 over revs (controlled by the engine rev limiter) and stage 2 over revs (not controlled and considered harmful to the engine).
  13. If the wipers work then the fuse is fine. Does the intermittent control work on your wipers? Does your car have a rain sensor? Both require relays to work.
  14. Our associate link to Amazon.com is now setup. You can order this manual directly from here (and RennTech.org will get a small percentage of the sale). See our Amazon.com Special Offers section. Or just click on the link below. Thanks! Bentley Porsche Boxster Service Manual
  15. Our associate link to Amazon.com is now setup. You can order the new Bentley Boxster Service Manual, a few other books, tools (like that elusive oil filer wrench), and even a B&M short shifter directly from here. The prices are very competitive and RennTech.org will get a small percentage of each sale. See our Amazon.com Special Offers section or just use the Online Docs Menu to choose Amazon.com Porsche Books and Tools Thank you for your support!
  16. It's not really 0-50 mm. It is more like "up to 50 mm". With the adjusters all the way adjusted to the highest point you are still lower than stock. I think something around 20 mm lower. Gert might know exactly - but that is what I recall.
  17. Our associate link to Amazon.com is now setup. You can order this manual directly from here (and RennTech.org will get a small percentage of the sale). See our Amazon.com Special Offers section. Or just click on the link below. Thanks! Bentley Porsche Boxster Service Manual
  18. Thanks but no banner ads here... this site is user/owner supported! If someone can get a discount or negotiate a group purchase feel free to post the information/link here... Loren - banner ads suck big time. I think with Amazon, you can provide a link directly to the Bentley Boxster service manual, and your associates account gets credit for click-throughs and purchases. You could just put the link, unobtrusively, under the Special Offers submenu on the Online Docs Menu pulldown. I don't see this as any different than ordering from Sunset and getting the RennTech parts-at-dealer-cost discount, except it will directly benefit all of us by getting a few $$ back to you for supporting this great site. You probably get in the neighborhood of $2.50 per order (4% of the book cost), so 10 orders would work out to about the same as one contributing member. I think there are probably a lot of us on this site that would prefer for ALL our Amazon purchases to benefit renntech than any other site. Thanks, I'll look into that!
  19. Thanks but no banner ads here... this site is user/owner supported! If someone can get a discount or negotiate a group purchase feel free to post the information/link here...
  20. From your pictures in the Garage it looks lowered to me. If it was lowered with factory parts then the color codes on the springs (front and rear) would tell us what parts were used (US or RoW sport suspension). If an aftermarket spring set (like H&R, etc.) were used then we won't be able to help you.
  21. Follow the break-in procedure in the owners manual and you will never have trouble with your warranty claims.
  22. Hmm... I wonder if you had one of early belts/guides? Have a look at TSB 10/99 1379 Damaged Drive Belt (dated 1-20-2000).
  23. Some of the plug types/sizes vary depending on the year of the car (I mentioned that in the DIY). The best tool is likely an allen socket with a breaker bar. The plugs are only supposed to be torqued to 22 ft/lbs. (30 Nm). Perhaps Tommy Torque checked them last at an OPC? :lol: Are you sure you are turning counterclockwise?
  24. I think I posted the GT3 Mk1 Club Sport settings in the GT3 section quite a while ago. You might want to do a search there.
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