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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You should be able to get the emergency cable through the wheel housing - without any damage. Simply remove the plastic rivets and the one 10 mm nut that hold the wheelwell liner in and grab the cable and pull to release the front trunk. Worst case is that you break a plastic rivet or two (about $0.39 each).
  2. There is certainly a chance that the ignition switch is bad - a fairly common problem. Look in the 996 Carrera DIY - Common Fixes for a DIY on ignition switch replacement. I would just make sure that you have the right key - which a dealer should be able to do.
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=21380
  4. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect January 2006 pricing and 202,016 parts.
  5. Did the shop check your steering angle sensor actual value. It must be checked after a suspension alignment even where no changes were made to the wheel alignment values. All C4's and cars with PSM REQUIRE this according to Porsche. From the service manual: You can also check the brake fluid level and the battery condition - both have been know to cause this. If not one of those, you will need to find a shop or dealer that has a PST2 or PIWIS tester to read the codes. The code(s) should point to the problem.
  6. Both the drivers keys (usually two) for a MY99 car have one button and should both lock and unlock the car as well as the ignition. The valet key is a lighter gray and does not have any buttons - it will work on the drivers door (key lock) and the ignition. I suggest you write down your VIN and visit your local dealer - with proof of ownership. They can tell you if you have the right key cut (for the metal part of the key). If the programming is wrong then you will need to buy a new key and have it programmed to the car - the car will need to be present for this procedure. Perhaps they can cut a metal key to allow you to drive the car down for programming. Once a key is programmed it can not be changed.
  7. :welcome: Feel free to post your pics in the Garage (link at the top of the page). The garage has a gallery for your pics and a mods section to document your mods (including more pics).
  8. Well, the answer is "sometimes". I have heard of dealers replacing the rotors under warranty. But, I don't know if Porsche approved those or not. The surface rust does not hurt them or affect braking - it just looks ugly. You can paint them yourself too.
  9. Porsche's PDK (known internally as Porsche Doppel Kupplung) semi-automatic paddle-shifted transmission first used in the 962 race cars (1986). The new 997TT will have a new twin-clutch gearbox called PDK.
  10. Do you mean wheel hubs? (where the wheel bolts to the brake disk)
  11. All the wires should be a base color with a stripe color (i.e Black/Orange, Black/Blue, etc.). Brown is always ground. You are talking about the interior anti-dazzle mirror not the door anti-dazzle mirror - right?
  12. Uh... it's Sunset Imports not Suncoast Porsche... Sunset Imports is Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost.
  13. P1123 - Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Lean Threshold P1125 - Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Lean Threshold Fuel/air mixture is so rich that sensing is up to its lean threshold. Which means you are running too rich. The manual lists probable causes as: - Fuel pressure too high. - Fuel injector leaking. - EVAP canister purge valve open.
  14. Very odd... Have you had any muffler or exhaust work done? Those codes (P0134 and P0154) say that both O2 sensors BEFORE the cats are not connected or the DME is bad. If both P0134 and P0154 are stored at the same time then there is an open circuit to the common sensor ground. The other codes may be a result of no O2 sensors to read the mixture control.
  15. Loren, I couldn't find the TSB that you mentioned above and sinc eI have a Cab, I am VERY interested. Thanks. I sent you a PM with the link.
  16. A couple things to look at/try... What about the radio and climate control lights? same problem? If so, try jiggling the light switch. Could be a bad switch. Has the cluster been opened for new gauge faces? If so, perhaps a connector is loose.
  17. Yes - Cayenne, Boxster, Carrrera, GT3, TT and GT2 all use the same coolant.
  18. RMG Enterprises - Sunnyvale - (408) 738-2060 C.T. Automotive - Campbell - (408) 377-3885 Fastlane Porsche - Santa Cruz - (831) 477-7510
  19. If that radio is like the later Becker/Alpine (made for Porsche) radios then there is a setting in the radio that can turn that off. Do you have the CR-1 manual that came with your car? If so, check near the back of the manual.
  20. Loren

    Cup Rotors?

    Sorry, I don't have a 2000 Cup Car Book only a 2000 GT3 R Book - which is a different animal.
  21. Follow up: I talked to the California Insurance Commissioners office and they said I needed to contact the state of Hawaii (which is the where the legal actions are taking place). I went to the Hawaii site and filed a claim. They sent me an email response a couple days later and saying I am now on their list of "potential claimants". The latest info can be found at: http://www.primeguard.hawaii.gov/
  22. Not much different in MY02 to MY03. Radio, optional amps, minor instrument and climate control display changes. Running gear (engine, transmission, suspensions) did not change.
  23. With your car VIN, the PCM serial number and proof of ownership - any dealer should be able to lookup your code.
  24. Draw should be 30-40 ma. If it is more then you will have to start pulling fuses until you find the circuit with the draw. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=36570
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