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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 999.571.077.02 Headlight socket wrench -- US retail $12.36 (as of Jan 2006)
  2. I don't think so... Both of my screens have been out for four years now. No MAF problems, no CELs, no performance issues.
  3. If the intermittent wipers work then likely the steering wheel stalk (switches) are working - as is the intermittent relay. The headlight washer relay could be the problem. It is in position 8 (second row from the top third relay from the left). It should have part number 996.618.113.00 on it. Unfortunately that relay (part number) is only used for the headlight washers. So, you will either have to borrow one from another car to test or buy a new one - about $71.00 -- retail (as of Jan 2006).
  4. The relay is in position 18 on the relay support in the left footwell. It should be part number 141.951.253.B. The relays for the front radiator fans are the same relay (positions 19, 20, 21, 22). Swap with one of the others - realize if it is a bad relay that one stage of your front radiator fans now won't work - so just swap for quick testing purposes.
  5. You will need to remove the radio to move the AC controls/cables/wires up to the cupholder position. To remove the radio you will need the removal keys (don't buy them on eBay they charge $10 or more for the keys that are $1.98 from Becker). Tool Pants did a cupholder removal post here also. With the right tools less than an hour to move things around.
  6. The lighter fuse and the light bulb are not on the same circuit. The lighter has it's own fuse - and the bulb is wired into the other dash lights. If the ashtray light works (as well as other dash night lights) then the lighter bulb should work unless there is a broken wire to the lighter bulb (grey/blue wire).
  7. Yeah, should be a solid white wire.
  8. Why not just take the panel off (with all the switches) and disconnect the wire?
  9. My bad, forgot it was a Cab... 000.044.802.04 Carrera (cab) rear spoiler kit 000.044.802.28 Front Spoiler (with lip and attaching hardware) No, you needed to buy the two packages above.
  10. Maybe remove the wire on pin 5 and tape it over?
  11. Your bumper and spoiler numbers are just the raw parts. Why not get the Aerokit II and get the front bumper, rear spoiler and rocker side panels with all the mounting hardware? Aerokit II 000.044.802 02 PSE (again the whole kit) SSK 000.044.700.26 Short Shift Kit Front Seat belts in Maritime Blue - Left Front Belt 996.803.981.03.H03 Right Front Belt 996.803.982.09.H03 Rear Seat belts in Maritime Blue - Left Rear Belt 996.803.983.09.H03 Right Rear Belt 996.803.984.09.H03 Painted Rear Center Console (cobalt) is only available on a new car order. Try Eric at Bumperplugs.com. ROW M030 - MY04 Cab - 6 speed 000.044.500.29 RoW Sport type running gear (kit)
  12. The (safe for paint) Porsche product is actually P21S Windshield Wash Booster. It makes 26 quarts and is available here in the US for about $7.95.
  13. Shouldn't be a problem.
  14. Yes, same bleeder It is near the top of on the transmission.
  15. Sorry, I could have sworn I saw a blue one that they used on the OEM short shifter (B&M clone).
  16. My Bridgestone S03's do the same. I think it is the soft compound rubber used in performance tires.
  17. I haven't tried it but I can tell you Gert Carnewal is a Contributing Member here and a lot of us have done business with him. Top quality - fast shipping - great support from every dealing I've had with him. If you have any concerns about the product or install call him or email him - his user name here is: Gert
  18. I guess there are all the obvious questions - Did you add the right amount of oil? Did you use the right filter? etc. If you are sure the oil change was done right then you may want to contact your dealer. TSB = Technical Service Bulletin. The TSB says it affects MY01 TT but if your car is an early build MY02 it could be included. The problem (according to the TSB) is that a check valve in the oil tank is sticking closed and preventing oil from getting to the engine. If it is that problem then the car should not be driven. If your dealer asks the TSB is: 3/00 1728 Lack of Oil Pressure on Start Up (dated 7-27-00).
  19. Is it only at start up? If so, then there is a TSB for this.
  20. I would start here (see pic) Then I would check the door edge seal, then - that the window is sealing at the top.
  21. It should be very similar to the RoW M030 DIY found here. The torque settings don't change because of different suspension components - same as a stock suspension.
  22. Removing the instrument panel is covered in the Cayenne service manual - and is 9 pages long. Plus upon re-installing the instrument panel needs to be re-aligned to the front windshield and sides (another 3 pages).
  23. 996.641.980.26.70C fits a MY01 6 speed 2WD - US car (not Canadian car).
  24. I think Tool Pants posted a pic of that somewhere but I can't find it right now...
  25. Everyone says the Wurth Silver followed by the Wurth Clear Coat is the way to go. Have a look at NasaracerPete's DIY repair here
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