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Everything posted by Loren

  1. On a fixed spoiler/non PSM car that setting does nothing. I think that triggers the brake light on the spoiler when PSM/ABS is braking (rather than you). I'm afraid you need the cable harness or re-wire the connector.
  2. I think you are out of luck. Continental replaced the N1 tires with Continental ContiSportContact 2 (N2) tires 2 or 3 years ago. Any of the Continental N1 tires you find are likely to be near their date code expiration. I think you need to buy set of all four - pick your manufacturer.
  3. Don's information comes directly for Porsche's (North America) Press department.
  4. I just posted the a new Vehicle Distribution Memo in the Contributing Members forum. It is dated today (February 7, 2006) and still only shows sat radio for the Cayenne.... sorry.
  5. Have a look at TSB 9/05 9110 PCM2.1 Navigation Update -- dated Sep 7, 2005
  6. They have been very responsive to my questions. Try emailing them at info@durametric.com
  7. Not if you rip out the interior ;)
  8. Not a stupid question - all those control boxes look similar. The box under the passenger seat (RHD) is the alarm/central locking control unit. The DME is under the foam/carpet panel near the rear window.
  9. Go to My Controls. Choose Edit Avatar Settings from the left hand menu. Use the Browse button to upload your avatar or select on from the galleries. Your avatar must be no bigger than 80 pixels by 80 pixels in size. Uploaded avatars from your computer must be no larger than 20 KB. The following file types are allowed: gif,jpeg,jpg,swf,png.
  10. Look for pad material buildup on that brake rotor. Sometimes in heavy braking pad material will bind to the rotor making it "sticky". Another possibility is that the cooling vents on that rotor are plugged with debris and it heats and/or over heats faster.
  11. Sounds like a leak in the freon cooling gas.
  12. Looks like two locking bolts (15) and one hex head screw (5). Perhaps an another owner can verify.
  13. I answered your question in your first post here. Please do not double post.
  14. Yeah, that link is down. I made a PDF of it before it went away. Here it is. If the author requests that I remove this I will - otherwise I'll leave it here. Edit - this is now available here in the DIY section - Loren. Replacing the Coolant Reservoir on a MY99 996
  15. Just got to the appropriate DIY Article section (Carrera (996) - DIY Mods in this case) and post as you would on the forum. Please add any pics or diagrams. Here are the Guidelines (found at the top of all the DIY Articles sections). Once you have completed the article you (and only you) can edit it at any time. For the article to be approved it will be reviewed by a staff member and "approved" for public access within 24 hours.
  16. Yes, there is a list of "Porsche approved" transmission oils as well as motor oils in the (Contributor's Only) TSB section.
  17. After the spark plug, coil and wiring have been checked the OBD II manual suggests:
  18. The proper way to refill a Boxster coolant system is with a vacuum draw system. Where the coolant is drawn in by putting a vacuum on the system. See the threads here and here.
  19. ... if they are the same version DME it might work. Porsche has used DME 5.2.2, DME 7.2 and DME 7.8 in 996 Carrera's. Someone will also likely need to use a PST2 or (PIWIS) to transfer your VIN, mileage and operating hours to the other DME.
  20. 236 - 18" Tires 750 - ? X54 - Stainless steel exhaust pipes
  21. Your car is a MY01 C4 right? Chances are it is time to find a new dealer... There is a TSB on this. (TSB 9/99 2015 Carrera 4 – Running Out of Fuel -- dated 10-4 -1999) If it is not this problem then you either need a new sending unit or instrument cluster - a 5 minute test with a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester should determine that. My money is on the TSB problem.
  22. You need the Becker radio keys. $10-$15 on eBay or $1.80 from Becker or borrow a set from someone. Takes about 30 seconds with the right tools ;) (photos courtesy of Tom Morris)
  23. I would flush the brake fluid and then bleed the clutch and brakes.
  24. As long as the wheel offsets are 55 mm front and rear you should be okay.
  25. 996.504.893.00 Left Rubber Lip 996.504.894.00 Right Rubber Lip
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