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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Kim, I don't know - I just wanted to make sure he checked first because my 01 CLK55 AMG is not hot with the ignition off.
  2. Fronts: 955.521.819.00.SXG Left headrest with Porsche coat of arms black/black (MY06) -- Retail $171.86 (as of February 2006) 955.521.820.00.SXG Right headrest with Porsche coat of arms black/black (MY06) -- Retail $171.86 (as of February 2006)
  3. The handbrake shoes are inside the rear rotor hubs. They can be adjusted with a screwdriver by rotating the adjuster wheel through the rotor. I don't understand how they got tighter (they should get looser)... unless someone at the dealership (OPC) messed them up after inspection.
  4. In what color leather? (and I am not sure they sell them separately)
  5. On the ground dead center right where the engine mates to the transmission.
  6. Could be... if so it should reset itself in the next couple of (driving) days.
  7. Umm... I think the lighter has to be on a unswitched +12 volts. That is, live even with the ignition off.
  8. 000.044.801.45 WIND DEFLECTOR CARRERA -- Retail $334.03 (as of February 2006)
  9. Have a look at TSB 6/02 2601 Exhaust System/Sports Exhaust System -- dated May 23, 2003 The whole parts list is there.
  10. Make sure they don't rattle. If they do rattle then they have broken (internal) welds.
  11. Yes. Those are the later version with the larger bypass pipes.
  12. If the headlights work and the LED on the control work then it pretty much would have to be the dash switch/potentiometer. So, so neither headlight moves but they both come on?
  13. Loren

    Power to the DME?

    Try the Red/Green wire on relay 1 MFI-DI pin 3. That should be at 12 volts whenever the car is running.
  14. Automatic or RoW manual vertical headlight aim control?
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=14785
  16. Loren

    Power to the DME?

    If your car has this a secondary air pump... look at the maxi fuse on the relay support next to the DME. It is for the secondary air pump - I don't know if it is hot all the time but it should be easy to tap off of if it is. Or... look at the relay for the engine compartment blower fan (position 8 in the relay support). Pin 3 a Red/Black wire should have 12 volts all the time.
  17. Do you mean the purge valve? This thread shows it on a Carrera and the Boxster uses the same valve. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5961
  18. Look through some of the older posts here. Basically a heat gun, dental floss and some carful prying...
  19. Loren

    Power to the DME?

    Do you want power at the DME or at the front center console? Front center console is easy - use the phone connector.
  20. I must be completely retarded because in my 2001 C4 I can't find this **** thing anywhere? I've removed all the center covers and don't see. It's decent sized so how am I missing it? Is it in front of the transmission? above it? I think on some of the newer C4's the fuel fiter is strapped on the back of the coolant tank in the engine compartment. Let us know where you find it.
  21. Perhaps someone with a hard top can take a picture and post it (my car is a coupe).
  22. Hardtop trim - item 3 (996.563.551.000.1C)
  23. Well, if they did not code the fixed rear spoiler with a PIWIS tester then that explains the spoiler light. You might as well have the dealer read out the fault codes for the PSM and PASM lights when they recode the spoiler. There is a 12 page TSB for installing the aerokit - did the body shop have that?
  24. :jump: Alright guys, sorry for the late post, but I have finished and let me say...... LCD Turbo Instrument gauge Cluster rocks! hahahah I installed it myself, and it worked. and to answer the ongoing question YES you can swap a Turbo gauge cluster with an S cluster. Everything is pretty much the same, except that your milage indicator and clock is all consolidated on the LCD screen, and believe me, it's a site for sore eyes! , and oh if your cayenne does not have some items such as TPM , then you'll get a forever lights on alarm, but otherwise, everything works, i tested it and its' great. And the obvious thing is the boost gauge will never work since if you are installing this on a regular or an S , then obviously , you don't have turbos to utilize it! I am going to have a write up with pictures on the DIY area, so hope this answers everyone's questions! I'm gonna have my victory lunch right now, and savor looking at the LCD screen hahah! Pictures please?
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