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Everything posted by Loren

  1. We have done a some forum reorganization based on inputs from both the moderators and a few members. Last week we split the 996 series from the 997 series as well as the 986 series from the 987 series. We have now merged the DIY for each model (and series in some cases) into the same forum category. This should reduce the total number of forums and hopefully make it easier to find DIY articles for your specific model.
  2. Is the cold start valve leaking fuel (not closing when the engine gets warm)?
  3. Correct - for narrow body 996 series cars.
  4. It is the button you push down on to move the shifter.
  5. I hate saying "me too" ... but honestly, me too ! I'm in the same boat with P1128 and P1130. $111 at the dealer to tell me those two codes.... aagh :( !!! Sid Sid, both codes means you have the same problem on both sides of the engine - highly unlikely to be injectors. Those codes say you have an air leak - look for loose or disconnected hoses, bad or dirty MAF (reading the air flow wrong), loose throttle body, cracked oil filler hose or even a bad oil separator.
  6. I just turned on Full Text Search here (at a number of folks request) so it works just like Google. You need to search for "+Remove +tiptronic +shift +knob" and it will come up. If you need help with search just click on the "Advanced Usage Help" link on the search page.
  7. Try using Search here - this has been covered many times... Remove tiptronic shift knob?
  8. It would be best to get a readout from a PST2 or PIWIS tester to confirm where the fault is. There are special precautions when replacing the triggering control box. The key must be removed, the battery disconnected - then wait for at least 1 minute. The service manual says the control box is held in place with "shear-off nuts" and to use Porsche tool 9259 socket wrench insert. The airbag control box should be at the bottom of the center console (near the telephone prep). The new trigging unit must be "locked" using as PST2 or PIWIS tester once it is installed. For all these reasons you may want a certified Porsche tech to do this.
  9. Porsche specs 17" and 18" wheels for the MY99 Carrera in matched sets. The front fenders are rolled from the factory. Tires sizes spec will veery with wheel sizes. 17" Porsche spec wheels: Front: 7 x 17 offset 50/55 mm Rear: 9 x 17 offset 55 mm 18" Porsche spec wheels: Front: 7.5 x 18 offset 50 mm Rear: 10 x 18 offset 65 mm or Front: 8 x 18 offset 50/52 mm Rear: 10 x 18 offset 65 mm or Front: 8 x 18 offset 50/52 mm Rear: 11 x 18 offset 63 mm Only a couple of tire brands will fit the last option (11" rears) without rubbing.
  10. P1124 and P1126 (opposite sides of the engine) both show an air leak that the DME can not adjust for. The evap canister fault (P0446) could be a loose gas gap (or bad seal) or could be a bad purge valve. I would check all the vacuum lines on the engine. I would also take the air cleaner off and see if the idle valve and throttle butterfly are gummed up with carbon. Yet another possibility could be a cracked or leaking oil filler hose or even oil seperator. Any smoke from the engine? Also, where are you located?
  11. For a new exhaust - yes, that is not uncommon. Take the car on a 30 minute drive and all or most of that should be gone.
  12. Why would a new engine with a warranty be bad? Get a PPI if you have any concerns.
  13. You can find both versions of the PSE install instructions in the Carrera (996) TSB section. TSB 2601 for both.
  14. Perhaps - but I don't know for sure. I got the pics from a dealer memo about the new option.
  15. Either 996.505.980.03.G2X or 996.505.980.02.G2X will work.
  16. Item 15 - 996.107.150.61 Filler Tube -- Retail $32.72 (as of February 2006) Item 16 - 999.707.348.40 O-ring 42 x 4 -- Retail $6.40 (as of February 2006) use with o-ring Grease -- Retail $31.02 (as of February 2006) -- much more than you need, perhaps someone in the shop will give you a small amount.
  17. Yes, please post your questions here rather than emailing me -- that's why we have this site. There is a lot collective knowledge here - not just me. Try emailing Gert@carnewal.com or alex@sharkwerks.com - both sell the clear and smoked lenses for Porsches.
  18. Yes, you could come off the fuse panel. Radio Shack has jumper/tap that makes it very easy (Radio Shack #270-1204). This is a jumper but you get the idea... (Images courtesy of Yoseif)
  19. You realize the seat memory and seat heater uses two fuses (per seat)? - A6 and E3 for the left hand seat. Other than a broken wire there is just the seat heater pads and the switch.
  20. They are all listed in the TSB section... 7/05 9112 PCM2.1 and Navigation Unit- System Connection Software Release, Model Level B -- Jun 23, 2005 12/05 9110 PCM2.1 Navigation Update -- Sep 7, 2005 2/05 9110 PCM2.1 System Complaints and Repairs -- Aug 11, 2005
  21. Yes, that will work but you won't know what the problem is and it won't correct the problem. Autozone will read your code for free. Upper right corner of the page click on "Reviews"
  22. What do you mean? larger? If so, just click on the image.
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