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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Coolant is yellow/green in color - smells sweet and tastes really bad. Coolant tank and/or cap failures are fairly common. Bad oxygen sensor? Could be but I would ask him to read out all the P-codes and post them here.
  2. WKD.964.050.91 964 Owners Manual (in Spanish) -- about $40 US WKD.964.020.91 964 Owners Manual (in English) -- about $40 US
  3. Paul, It is hard to say without more info. Does the airbag light and seat belt light come on with the ignition in the "on" position? He could have even removed the seat belt warning light too. If you want I can hook up my PST2 and see if their are any airbag or seat belt faults. Drop me a PM if you wan to do that.
  4. 996.552.425.00.A01 is a blank cover.
  5. Any P-codes? Did you check the fuel pump for output?
  6. Take your pick... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5770 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5200 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6563 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5010 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=573 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=670
  7. Drive the car and see if it goes out. Did you check the fuse? (C19)
  8. Are you sure it isn't 236 - 18" tires? I know some of mine were hard to read...
  9. The difference (I wasn't very clear above) is that in the Litronics system the high beam primary is Halogen and there is only a partial mix in with the Xenon lamp. In the Bi-Xenon system the lens is used to widen the beam path for high beam. So the primary high beam (as well as low beam) in the Bi-Xenon system is the Xenon lamp. In this case the Halogen lamp is just an additional beam with high beams only. Porsche states the advantages of the Bi-Xenon system introduced in MY02 as: Order guide option numbers do not always equal parts list option codes as many times they are sold as "packages". What does the sticker under your front hood say? M601 or P74? Either would be still be correct.
  10. Maybe your dealer has the parts in the wrong bin? Like I said, I find no reference or cross-reference to 996.799.541.00 for a replacement part.
  11. 996.541.541.01 is for MY01 and older 996.541.541.02 is for MY02 and newer 996.541.541.00 does not exist in the parts list or any of the old price lists I have (back to 2003). I have a MY99 coupe and mine is about 1/2 inch wide. How wide is your trim piece?
  12. This has been covered many many times here. Next time please do a search on "coolant". The results will likely be more than you want to know :lol: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=18090 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...=findpost&p=554
  13. Did you read the Maintenance Checklist here? Beyond that I would look for coolant tank leaks, RMS or any other engine oil leaks, tightness of the swaybar mounts, and if your brake fluid has not been changed in the last two years it should be.
  14. For example... If your VIN starts with a number lower than 98XS6 20208 then you would use the first part (996.341.158.09) if your VIN 98XS6 20209 or higher then you use the second part number (996.341.158.10) and the additional part it suggests. If you call or email Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) they can explain t to you in more detail. You also know you will need some special tools to change the wheel carrier?
  15. Item 5 is: 997.553.843.00 Sound absorber (left) 997.553.844.00 Sound absorber (right) Are you sure that is the part you want? Perhaps you could post a pic from your car...
  16. Both are a good choice (IMHO). Most of the Cup Cars are running either the GT3 (race) swaybars or H&R. Seems to me the harder decision is what size - but then that depends on wheel and tire size/types and how you want the car to handle.
  17. Do you mean item 25 (cover, shift gate)?
  18. It will depend on your VIN...
  19. I personally would reuse it after filtering it (if it is as green and clean as you say). You will still need to top up the tank and then add even more after bleeding the system for a few days.
  20. ...or replace the ashtray with the open tray like I did. It fits my cell perfectly.
  21. Is this an RoW car? If so, I think there is one alarm horn and one alarm siren. If you disconnect the siren then the lights will flash.
  22. That maybe from refilling... or he may have reversed the pic. They are different and the bottom line here is you do not want a coolant cap that ends in 00. Even new 00 caps have been know to not hold pressure.
  23. Contributing Member geoff posted this pic some time back (and I think tool Pants posted pics too). Old on left - new on right.
  24. Does the red low coolant light (next to the 250 mark) come on when you turn the ignition switch to "on"? If not, the bulb could be out. Secondly I would look to see if the sensor is plugged in - it will be hard to see since it is on the bottom of the tank. If it turns out to be the sensor you may just want to update the tank too (if it hasn't been done) - since it has to come out to get to the sensor.
  25. Uh... the MAF reads air flow and intake air temperature - period. The O2 sensors read NOx, CO, and HC before and after the cats - period. Both report their readings constantly to the DME - the DME then adjusts the richness of the mixture (via fuel injectors) to adjust the air/fuel mixture for the proper burn. When the mixture can not be adjusted properly (with the threshold range of operation) the DME signals a fault code. What bother me is that he only has the P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Rich Threshold - or one side of the engine. Seems to me that you would likely get a P1128 (Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 1 . 3) - Rich Threshold) also if it were an MAF problem. Are you sure you obly have a P1130 and not a P1128 also? A P103 is pretty unusual - I would check the connector to the MAF and make sure the wires and pins are good condition. All indications do point to a bad MAF or MAF connector.
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