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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Download the Becker Traffic Pro Installation TSB located here. It has all the instructions for the reverse wire and grounds.
  2. MY00 US/Canada Boxster's have egas (E-Accelerator).
  3. You will need your VIN and proof of ownership. Worst case they will have to remove the PCM and get the serial number to look it up. Most dealers will change for this or give one lookup free.
  4. Any of the 3.6 liter PSE's will work on any 3.4 - but not the other way around. The latest PSE (kit) part number I have is: PSE (for MY99-04) -- MSRP $2090.77 (as of Feb 2006). I'm sure someone like Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can get you a better price than that. The dash switch is NOT included in this kit and must be ordered separately.
  5. 997.553.261.02.V04 Laquered frame in galvano silver (for the Boxster S) -- MSRP $149.76 (as of Feb 2006)
  6. These are in the 996 section but the Boxster is the same... Oil Change Brake/Clutch Fluid Change and Bleeding Instructions
  7. The chirp means an alarm zone is open. The most common causes are the center console lid not closed (or microswitch broken), the front (or rear) trunk microswitch, or the alarm connection on the radio. If the radio was replaced with an aftermarket then they put the original back in - it could be they did not reconnect the alarm wire. I helped a guy here with a 996 that had a similar problem and it was the alarm wire on the radio. My PST2 pinpointed it -- as it was the only alarm fault. If you can find an independent shop with a PST2 they can hook it up and tell you exactly which zone (or zones) are causing the "open" fault.
  8. Is it a Porsche radio (if so which model) or aftermarket?
  9. Any beeps from the alarm when arming?
  10. What kind of repair? In most cases the dealer would have to cover the cost or Porsche does -- or you do. In a few cases the dealer will pay parts and you pay labor. If you have a good relationship with your dealer and the car has some history with them - then you have a chance. (IMHO)
  11. We have the TSB here. Contributing Members can view the TSB online here. It has all the details...
  12. Email Gert... I think he will tell you the part number for what he sells.
  13. Did you buy the retrofit kit - with the wiring pins and harness? There are 11 pages of instructions in a TSB for installing the CDC-4 including two and half pages on hooking up the wiring. You need to tap into the fuse carrier.
  14. Make sure you don't have an optional knob with a set screw. If so remove the set screw.
  15. B&M Instructions say: Using Channel Locks - twist collar 90° clockwise.
  16. Switch ignition off and remove ignition key. 1. Unclip switch cover from below using a plastic spatula and disconnect electrical plug connections. 2. Insert a hexagon-socket wrench sideways into the screw connection of the PCM detent hooks. 3. Close the detents (2 each side) with the hexagon-socket wrench A and carefully pull out the PCM. 4. For re-installation, open the detents with the hexagon-socket wrench B. Note: - The number of plug connections will vary, depending on the I No. (CD changer, Bose, amplifier). - The variant without additional audio components (external Most control units) has a jumper (output to input) connected to the optical waveguide plug. 5. Unlock and pull off antenna plugs A, E, F. 6. Unlock and disconnect the electrical plug connections in the order C, B, D.
  17. Might I ask why you want to remove it?
  18. The Cayman service manual is currently only available using a dealers PIWIS tester. If you are lucky you can find a dealer with a PIWIS that has a printer attached and get them to print out that page. If you do please post the page here.
  19. I think you just carefully pry it up to pop the clips loose. I think you may need to take the bumper cover off to do that though. The service manual shows it with the bumper cover off the car.
  20. or try 996.424.981.23.G10 Gear shift knob in aluminum and leather (option X97) -- MSRP $322.69 (as of Feb 2006)
  21. 996.552.417.02.A03 Vent Rose -- MSRP $11.26 (as of Feb 2006)
  22. There are 5 different part numbers with up to 8 colors for each. Please tell me year and color of your vent and I'll get you the exact part number.
  23. ...or just use the link to Car Care on the Links page. :)
  24. 996.424.075.05.FGW Shift knob in Metropol Blue and Silver -- MSRP $199.18 (as of Feb 2006)
  25. I don't have the tech books for MY99, 00, or 01 but in MY02 the front axle cross member was secured at its rear fastening to the body (arrow) with two bolts instead of one.
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