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Everything posted by Loren

  1. ... or an Autozone. Autozone will read your code for free. Write your codes down (all of them) and then report back here. Have a look at the Durametric Software. If you have a laptop to run it on this is a very good/quick fault code reading and resetting software. Simple to use. Durametric Software
  2. If your car is not shifting right before a short shifter install then it won't shift right afterwards. The B&M (or others) won't fix that. If you have any difficulty shifting it is best to align the cables (get the cheap plastic tool from Porsche) and test the shifting before replacing the shifter mechanism.
  3. Any pics of the shifter and install?
  4. That is correct - I doubt any are backwards compatible. In some case there were firmware upgrades (performed by dealers) also.
  5. If you have the same problem then the same question applies... Do you have any P-codes?
  6. I sent you a PM with some info...
  7. If you look at the Porsche part and B&M part for the 986 and 996 the only difference was the color - :lol: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...findpost&p=2935
  8. 1. Correct. That is documented here. 2. Correct also. We've found it best to tighten it down - then back off until it freely moves back and forth in neutral. 3. Correct again. Once the console is re-installed there is no way to adjust the B&M shifter without either removing the console again or making a cutout in the console. I usually make folks drive around the block a couple time with the console still out to make sure it set to the tightness they want. Then we button it up again. BTW... I've never seen one that needed adjusting again - including mine which I installed in 2000.
  9. I do not know if it can be reset from the dash/instrument cluster switches. I do know it can be reset by a PST2 or PIWIS tester. Here is a shot from my PST2 - Cayenne - Instrument Cluster - Coding. (I did not have a Cayenne handy to show it on so the tester is in demo mode).
  10. and/or compressed air. It helps if you loosen the A?C condensers so you can clean the front of the radiators too. See my 3rd radiator DIY for pics...
  11. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=42072
  12. Please try using our Search feature here (before posting)... There are several hundred posts on leaking coolant tanks and caps -- and their repair.
  13. :welcome: I answered your grease question in your first post...
  14. The intstructions are posted here in the first page of this thread. The grease is just white Lubriplate grease. The kit normally comes with a tube that is enough to do about 5 shifter installs :lol:
  15. Looks like the oil separator.
  16. Contributing Members can view the install TSB here online.
  17. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect March 2006 pricing for both the US and Canada. We will continue to try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available. The April update should be here in the first couple of weeks of April. For March 2006 the price lists support - US: 202,715 parts Canada: 202,712 parts Choose your price list from the drop down menu
  18. Correct. 996 606 124 00 Old style MAF (2.7 and 3.2) 986 606 125 00 New style MAF (2.7 and 3.2)
  19. The PSE defaults to always open (loud). The DIY is here.
  20. I have made some changes to the backend and the database structure. Previously you could only do a search for a minimum of 4 characters - which left out all of the Porsche abbreviations (i.e. PSE, PCM, PSM, CDR, etc.). Well, you can now do a full text search for a minimum of 3 characters. So, you can now search for PSE, PCM, PSM, CDR etc., etc. Of course you will want to add more keywords that just the 3 characters or you will get way too many results. Enjoy... :D
  21. Could be it hasn't made into the model or Tequipment list yet. You might try calling or emailing Sunset Imports.
  22. Yes, the fuse box covers for 987 and 997 are the same. The (February 2006) parts list only shows the fuse box cover in satin black. Did the order guide offer it in colors?
  23. I can tell you that the Durametric Software works fine with everything I have tried it on so far. That includes DME 5.2.2 and DME 7.2. I have not yet tested it on a DME 7.8. DME 7.8 is the most complex so I am waiting until I can try it on a one before I finish writing the review. If your car has either of the early DME's then it will work fine. If you are looking for an inexpensive code readout and fault resetting tool - then this is the tool I would recommend. At $197 this tool is much less than the $3600 I paid for a used PST2 (that needed a new battery and hard drive - LOL).
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