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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Loren

    Changing rotors

    Pretty much the same for a GT3 -- be careful the rotors are directional. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=16992
  2. Are they the proper offset? or did you put Carrera wheels on a Boxster? ;)
  3. Pull the A-pillar trim 7 inwards along the roof frame and windscreen frame.
  4. It is okay to have different opinions on a subject. They are just that - "opinions". Lee has had his question answered and he will make the final decision on what he does - just as any of us do. I don't see any point in further comments so I am closing this topic.
  5. 996.107.150.61 OIL FILLING PIPE -- MSRP $32.72 (as of April 2006)
  6. All the OEM filters I've seen were made by Mann. BMC does the filters for all the Cup cars and other Porsche race cars.
  7. Loren

    GT3 ECU Pins

    I sent you a PM with some info...
  8. Loren

    GT3 ECU Pins

    Is this what you need?
  9. It could also be a loose swaybar mount.
  10. I think you need to get your eyes checked. ;) You do know that you click on the image to make it larger?
  11. The Aerokit II install TSB shows a different number for the front spoiler(s): 996.505.980.02.G2X Boxster 996.505.980.03.G2X Boxster S My guess is that the Boxster S spoiler has the opening for the 3rd radiator.
  12. Did you look at your other request for the fuse panel listing? I posted a good copy here. Have your read the other posts about removing the front bumper to get to the horns? They can always be tested with a 12VDC power source. I hate to sound terse but this has all been covered here many many times.
  13. Had an interesting discussion with a Porsche parts contact yesterday... He said that the 996.606.124.00 is still available for the 996 - but not for the Boxster. He said the Boxster must use the newer 996.606.125.01 and have the DME re-programmed. He did not know why. I talk to a couple of dealership techs here and see if they know why or what the difference is.
  14. 9.4:1 for all M97/70 engines (regardless of year)
  15. The CDC-3 is plugged into the C2 and C3 connector on the TrafficPro right (per the TSB)?
  16. Have you checked the cables at the CDC-3? As I recall there should be 2 RCA jack cables and 1 DIN cable. Perhaps they got unplugged when someone was pulling on the radio? These cables are usually stuffed under or behind the CDC-3.
  17. Look up where you can recycle used motor oil, filters, brake fluid, antifreeze, etc.
  18. NIMHO... get the alignment done a really good alignment shop and then if they don't have a PST2 have your dealer check it. It is a 5 minute job.
  19. Fuse B3. That would be second row from the top third fuse in from the left. Don't be suprised if it is a bad horn - as you can see above it is a fairly common failure.
  20. If you didn't remove the shifter mechanism then the shift lock magnet and switch should be okay. I have heard of a couple cases where the magnet became dislodged. It is kind of hard to get to and I not sure where the wires exit at.
  21. My mistake - 996.606.123.00 is still available. The 996.606.124.00 can be replaced with the 996.606.125.01 provided the DME is updated.
  22. Sorry for the delay (due to email issues). Scouser has updated the VIN Decoder to include several new models. The VIN Decoder is here. Many thanks to Scouser for his work and updates to this fine tool! :clapping:
  23. Only the non-egas cars need to have the DME re-programmed when changing the MAF. That is because the MAF used on the early (C2) non-egas cars is no longer made. To use the newer MAF the DME needs to be re-programmed. Since you have a C4 - you have egas and there should be no need to re-program the DME. Perhaps your OPC was confused and thought your car was a C2.
  24. 3/8 should be fine. Sears has some good ones. I have one torque wrench I use on engine parts (a nice but expensive Proto Tools) and a cheaper one I use for wheels and body/suspension parts (Sears). Never drop a torque wrench - cheap or expensive. For this project you could likely get by without one - just don't over tighten the bolts or they may snap off.
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