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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I've read throught he complete sunroof removal and installation section in the service manual and there is no mention of any glued pointed. There is however some information in the roof liner replacement section.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5619
  3. If you can find a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester the ambient light sensor is prety easy to check. Just cover the sensor for one reading and then shine a flashlight on it for another reading. It should change somewhat like below: Dark reading on left - Bright reading on right.
  4. Do you have a credit card? If so, there is an option on the PayPal page to pay with VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or discover credit cards.
  5. Hmm... I guess it could be a bad cluster. Still under warranty?
  6. If you wiggle the light switch does anything change? Headlight switches have gone bad on a few cars.
  7. I think he is talking about the one up front next to the condenser. But is is not listed separately in PET either.
  8. Yes - same for 986, Air Conditioning -> Modify Coding (like it says at the top of the screenshot).
  9. Highlight Temperature unit hit >> (coding key) and change.
  10. Loren, I want to get my dealer to do the switch from Fahrenhuit to Celsius on the AC/Heater control. Can you please provide instruction for the PST2 process. He didn't know how to do it. I have an 03 Boxster S. Thx Have you tried this? Press and hold the recirculation button. Then press the temperature up ("+") button to switch between degrees Celsius & Fahrenheit on the Climate Control Temperature and Instrument Panel Outside Temperature displays.
  11. Coils for sure. A bad cat could ruin the O2 sensor. The DME can not compensate for all those errors.
  12. These alone would cause misfires and fault codes.
  13. The Durametric software can not change mileage in the DME or cluster. Even a dealer/shop PST2 or PIWIS tester can not change mileage on a cluster that has more than 52 miles on it. I am sure there are people out there that can still alter mileage - legally or not.
  14. I have seen the wire come out of the connector mount for the headlights in at least a couple cases. After you take the headlight out inspect the connector and pins on the socket (still on the car) to see that they are secure and pushed in all the way.
  15. Thanks for that.. I had the O/S cam cover mended last Nov at the dealer so perhaps they did a bad job...I will take it back. If they replaced/resealed the camcover and didn't check the oil tubes shame on them. There are new o-rings for the early MY99 Carrera's that have almost eliminated all oil tube leaks.
  16. If you were in the US I would suggest: http://www.paintscratch.com/
  17. Sorry, let me clairify... That is the correct part number for a MY99 - 01 Carrera 3.4 liter. I think the Boxster has a different venting system so I am not sure how that will work. You might PM or email Monster Boxster and see what he did when he put a Carrera motor in his Monster Boxster.
  18. According to the parts list that part number (996.107.023.51) is for a 97 Boxster 2.5 liter. It was replaced by p/n 996.107.023.51 oil separator and 996.107.145.06 vent line. That has been replaced by 996.107.023.02 which has been replaced by 996.107.023.03 and I think you still need the vent line.
  19. Any D2S bulb of 35 Watts should work.
  20. Ask for a certified 3rd party dyno report of before and after the upgrade.
  21. Is that for the S or non S or are they all the same? Thanks for this bit of info. I've been looking around for this for sometime :) Boxster rotor minimum thickness limits (after any machining) Front: 22 mm Rear: 18 mm Boxster S rotor minimum thickness limits (after any machining) Front: 26 mm Rear: 22 mm
  22. Yes, that is what most folks do when they switch to the Design Key.
  23. You might try calling Becker and tell them your problem and then ask them if they can verify the code. I think they normally charge $35 for this.
  24. Range 1 means nothing - except the that the rev limiter is doing it's job. Range 2 "can" damage the engine. Range 2 are most often caused by missed downshifts or spinning the car and not putting the clutch in. There was speculation that "ignitions" meant actual firing of each cylinder. That would mean that 6 "igntions" would be one complete crankshft revolution. If the car is running fine with Stage 2 occurances then it is likely fine. Just be aware that a dealer and/or Porsche can (but does not in many cases) use numerous Range 2 occurances as "abuse" for any warranty claims.
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