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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Just the hydraulic lifters - normal.
  2. Knocking or tapping like no oil in the lifters when cold? If the knocking occurs with a warm engine that is not good.
  3. I can try to look it up if I know -- Model, year and US/Canada car or RoW?
  4. 999.507.499.40 Expansion Rivet -- MSRP $0.23 (each)
  5. Item 2 - N.906.487.02 tapping screw 4.8 X 16 (10 per car) Item 3 - 999.507.640.09 clamp (10 per car) Item 4 - 996.504.715.00 grommet (20 per car) Item 5 - 996.504.743.00 support (left) Item 6 - 999.507.668.02 speed nut (4 per car) Item 7 - 996.504.893.00 rubber lip (left)
  6. Item 1 - 996.504.363.00.01C Left Sill Cover (in Satin Black) Do you need any of the other hardware?
  7. Which side? BTW... they come primered so you will have to get it painted.
  8. Does it look like this? The instructions (including putting the tool together) are about 8 pages long.
  9. 996.505.626.00.G2X Bumperette cover MY02 and newer (item 44)
  10. Yes, make sure the connectors "snap" into place. I guess a bad enough leak at the oil separator could cause oil fouling of the plugs. But your cracked coils needed to replaced too.
  11. That part number is for the Left side Aerokit Cup rocker panel. Are you replacing an existing one or adding both sides to your car?
  12. 1. Remove plastic plugs 3 and undo the hexagon socket head bolts 2 from the sill by approx. 4 - 5 threads. 2. Liftsill 1 upwards out of the bottom support with a plastic spatula and press out. Check fastening clips 4 replace if necessary. 3. Pull off plug connections 5, 6 on the actuating switches actuating switches of the lids. 4. Press the fastening ribs of the sill arrows outward with a screwdriver and unclip the actuating switch of the front lid 7.
  13. Are you sure the connectors are all properly seated? Post your fault codes please (all of them).
  14. 1. Usually a battery lasts 4 to 5 years. It is not uncommon to lose one in 3 years though. 2. Any good 70 Ah to 80 Ah battery of the proper physical size with a venting system (that can be connected to the cars vent) will work fine. We chose the Duralast 48-DL because of it's proper fit, venting system and 7 year warranty - all for about $65. 3. An 80 Ah battery from Porsche (999.611.080.20) has an MSRP of $181.11 (as of April 2006). 4. Yes, you can use the Porsche battery maintainer on any battery old or new. The newer designed battery maintainers shut off when the proper charge is met so they will not over charge the battery.
  15. It is a 50 - 50 chance it is just the buckle and not the ground wire connections. The buckle wears the most but a bad ground can cause the same fault. See the airbag light/seat belt buckle TSB. I replaced the buckle only for a Boxster guy and so far no more airbag lights. So somtimes you get lucky...
  16. Remember that the transmission is the front support of the engine. So you need to support the engine if you remove the transmission.
  17. Also have a look here.
  18. :oops: ... my mistake I was thinking this was a different post
  19. The only way to tell for sure is to get the alarm fault code(s). You can do that with a PST2, PIWIS tester or the Durametric Software. A PST2 will allow you to test each individual component of the alarm/central locking system.
  20. Two drain plugs - 37 ft/lbs. (50 Nm) Oil filter canister - 19 ft/lbs. (25 Nm)
  21. Post your fault codes please (all of them).
  22. Richard, I sent you a PM...
  23. Yes, both have been covered here many times - try using Search.
  24. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5396
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