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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Just pull the wheel lining back or fish for it from the bottom side.
  2. TSB 1/99 3005 Boost Spring for Clutch Pedal -- dated 3-25-1999 states: "As of October 12, 1998 production and the following VINs, the boost spring and clutch pedal have been optimized for minimal operational noise. 99 0XS 62 4135 Coupe 99 1XS 65 2616 Cabrio" If your car falls into this catagory then the following should be replaced: Clutch pedal, Boost spring bracket, Boost spring (spring painted purple), Optimol, Optitemp LG 2 grease. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSB 2/00 3005 Clutch Pedal Noise -- dated 9-8-2000 "Squeaking noise. Cause: The clutch pedal power assist spring rubs against the spring casing. Repair: Replace the clutch spring with a new contoured version clutch spring (see arrow in figure 2). Note: A new contoured version clutch spring was installed in production as of the following VIN’s: 99 3YS 62 0534 Coupe 99 1YS 65 0950 Cabriolet" One of the benefits of being a Contributing member is you can view these TSBs yourself.
  3. Added the 993 to the list of cars we can check. Durametric just sent me the 993 special cable.
  4. No problem I have a PST 2 and the Durametric Software so codes/faults are taken care of. See if you can get together with Tool Pants and find a location and date...
  5. Maybe this will help...
  6. The exhaust recall that I am aware of was for "...exhaust tailpipes worldwide on 18,627 units of the 911 Carrera S and 911 Carrera 4S. This involves cars built between 20 April 2004 and 21 October 2005." This would not include his MY03 car.
  7. Glad you got it taken care without a trip to the OPC. :thumbup:
  8. Did you look here?
  9. Air does funny things depending on the amount and the compression. Has the circuit been open for anything? bleeding or leak? If it were my car I'd try bleeding it and see if it changes.
  10. Looking towards the front. Pretty much the middle of the car.
  11. Pic courtesy of Tool Pants
  12. TT_2003_fuses.pdf
  13. You are not playing with the battery - you are resetting the transponder per the instructions in by a Porsche TSB. I have done this many times - sometimes it is just a bad transponder and key fob has to be replaced. You likely need to find a shop (someone) with the Durametric Software or a PST2 to read the alarm fault codes. The Durametic can read the codes but not reset them. A PST2 can read and reset codes as well as test each part of the alarm and central locking system independently.
  14. The clutch on your car is hydraulic. For it to be that far off likely means that there is air in the lines or you have a leak. Have you checked the fluid level? You will likely have to take the black plastic cover off to see the fill marks on the reservoir. It is the Green cap in front luggage compartment - if it is low use Pentosin CHF 11 S hydraulic fluid (not brake fluid). In a few cases the clutch spring has failed and the pedal will (dramatically) go to the floor when pressed.
  15. Hmm... I found this: RoW M030 Sport Suspension Install How to install the RoW M030 Sport Suspension
  16. Flipping the battery causes an alarm transponder reset. It should clear up any communication issues between the key transponder and the alarm controller - unless the key fob is bad. Do you have the other key and does it do the same? Alarm readiness (light) states Each side has a separate fuse for the corresponding seat memory and mirror memory. So I doubt that both fuses are gone. Is this a US/Canada car or RoW? Where are you located?
  17. If it was a fuse using the key to lock the doors would not work. There is only one fuse for the alarm/central locking system. The mirrors work normally when the key is switched on in the ignition? How new is the battery in your key fob? Try the procedure here.
  18. No flashing light usually means the alarm self-test did not pass. Does your car make a beep when you lock it? If so, then you have an alarm fault and a zone is open or faulty.
  19. That temperature readout is the same (under the same conditions) on a PST2.
  20. I assume you are sure that you reconnected all the cables in the back of the unit? Have you tried removing the map CD and then putting it back and reloading the maps with the Map button? If after 5 minutes there is still no map displayed (or it is still frozen), then the complete system must be shut down as follows: 1. Remove ignition key. Leave the vehicle, lock it with the hand-held transmitter (or vehicle key) and leave it locked for at least 5 minutes. 2. Unlock the vehicle with the hand-held transmitter (or vehicle key). 3. Then repeat the map loading startup process.
  21. In a Boxster, 1-3 are on the passenger side. If the O2 sensor is bad then the other codes may or may not exist.
  22. A couple other options... Buy a PSE and leave it on loud. Buy ear plugs. :P
  23. P0130 - Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Intercore Short Circuit or Limited Voltage Increase Probable causes: Bad Oxygen sensor. Bad connection at O2 sensor. Faulty DME. P1128 - Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 1 . 3) - Rich Threshold P1130 - Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Rich Threshold This means you are running too lean on both sides of the engine. Probable causes are: Intake or exhaust leak. Low fuel pressure. Your misfires have cleared or there would be codes for them too. What is wrong with your cat? Could it have damaged the O2 sensor? I would take the readings again and see if they are consistent with what you have reported here. Then if the P0130 continues then I would replace the precat O2 sensor on that side. Drive the car for a couple days and see if the other codes come back too. If so, report them here.
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