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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Scouser has updated the VIN Decoder. The VIN Decoder is here. Many thanks to Scouser for his work and updates to this fine tool! :clapping:
  2. I don't know if Porsche originally designed it for a different filter or some sort of cover - but you are correct that it is not used.
  3. Yes, you would lose it all. The radio communicates on a fiber optic network (called MOST). The amp does the same (if you have that option). Few if any 3rd party systems operate on fiber optics and I doubt they could "talk" to the Porsche controllers anyway. The only other option is to remove the Porsche systems and wire the car for a 3rd party radio/sound system.
  4. Oh cool.. the 'ol roundy cable then? Too bad I don't have my car because I'd could give you guys a few codes you've never seen before:) No, this is the later version OBD II type connector. They are working on a custom version of the older round type connector. The original manufacturer has not made the round connector for something like 10 years.
  5. Perhaps the headlights were stolen - there was a rash of those last year on both the East and West coast.
  6. 996.552.253.01.01C Upper Shelf (black) -- MSRP $34.97
  7. Is this a US/Canada car or RoW? 226 - could be a country code or perhaps it is 236 - 18 inch tires 288 - Headlight washers Perhaps someone removed/replaced the headlights with the washers built-in.
  8. :oops: I've got to remember to read the forum categories before I reply...
  9. The vehicle (road) horns are not connected to the alarm horn/siren. The only way to fully test the alarm system is with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. Repairs can then be made and faults reset. If there is a key/immobilizer issue then only a dealer can change that programming with a PST2 or PIWIS - after they request and receive the authorization codes from Porsche.
  10. PCM2 began in MY02. If the car has the face lift headlights (like a Turbo) then it should have PCM2.
  11. What trim? The radio comes out without removing any trim. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=15531
  12. If you look at the sticker on the drivers door it will tell you the exact month and year your car was built. Porsche describes the two systems this way (for cars prior to MY02): Halogen - "In the low beam sector, the H7 bulb system offers the following advantages: - high light volume - more light in the boundary zone in front of the light/dark boundary - homogeneous illumination of the entire road surface - to prevent the driver of the vehicle and the drivers of oncoming vehicles from being dazzled, the headlights are coated with "anti-dazzle" paint at the necessary points. The high beam uses a second H7 bulb that ensures a good range (advantageous at high speed on straight roads) and improved homogeneity when flashing the headlight." Litronic (Xenon/Halogen) - "The "Litronic" system offers the following advantages in low-beam mode: - very high light volume - more light in the boundary zone in front of the light/dark boundary - homogeneous illumination of the entire road surface - high colour temperature enables good colour vision - the sharply defined light/dark boundary prevents passing vehicles from being dazzled - to prevent the driver of the vehicle and the drivers of oncoming vehicles from being dazzled, the headlights are coated with "anti-dazzle" paint at the necessary points and have a periphery illumination reflector. The "Litronic" system offers the following advantages in high-beam mode: - Halogen high-beam headlights - lowering the beam mask provides a wide and very brightly lit illumination zone even at long range (particularly important on winding roads) - supplementary halogen headlights ensure long-range illumination (important when driving at high speeds along straight roads) - considerably better switching behaviour when flashing the headlights as well as improved homogeneity compared to previous gas-discharge systems.
  13. In MY99 there were two grey interiors offered and airbags for that year were offered in Leatherette (plastic) or Leather. C50 Graphite Grey (leatherette or leather) -- kind of a dark grey (like your air vents) B50 Space Grey (leatherette or leather) -- kind of a light grey The color code does not change but the part number does depending on leatherette or leather.
  14. If no one has a PST2 that you can use you could buy the Durametic Software - it can reset air bag lights. About $197.
  15. Only early MY99 cars had orange (yellow) headlights. My June 1999 built car had clears (until I upgraded to Litronics). Boxster (986) has always had orange in the lights unless you opted for Litronics. Performance Products sells the clear headlights for 996 - but for roughly twice the price the Halogen lights you can have Xenon Litronics.
  16. The +12 volts on A5 goes to the Diversity Antenna (amplifier).
  17. They should snap in unless you broke the clips removing them (fairly common). I think they snap in easier when warm - so park in the sun then snap them in.
  18. There are 3 pages listing the approved oils (by Porsche) in the TSB. Unfortunately, Shell is not on the list. BP, Chevron, Mobil 1, Castrol (and many more) 5W-40 are all approved.
  19. Maybe this will help...
  20. Jeff, I just posted Joel's comment... Here is the inforamtion on changing the fuel filter: 1. Unhook clamps of air cleaner cover. Take out housing cover and filter element. 2. Separate air cleaner housing from intake air rail and unhook from air flow sensor. Lift up air cleaner housing and take out housing. Be careful no to lose the a-ring in the air cleaner housing / air flow sensor. 3. Undo fuel lines, using a second wrench to lock. Drain remaining fuel into a suitable container. 4. Undo clamp and remove fuel filter. 5. Fit new filter. Observe direction of flow = direction of arrow. 6. Start engine and check fuel lines and fuel filter for leaks. Check fuel and injection lines for leaks and tight fit!
  21. Ignition switch. Thanks! I hope it is not a very expensive repair. Anybody can tell me how much will cost me to replace ignition switch(parts and labor)? Do I have to go to Porsche dealer to fix it? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=493
  22. Okay folks, let's get this thread back to constructive comments about your experiences and facts. I personally don't believe any horsepower claims unless it has been proven by an impartial third party. If this thread continues down the road of personal comments about other members - it will be closed and warnings will be given. Please, the rules are simple - keep it clean and friendly... and keep it on topic.
  23. Sorry, I have no idea. US/Canada cars are on the right side. Maybe one of the UK guys here can tell you.
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