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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Other posts have been deleted and this member has been warned.
  2. Be careful here... a few of these companies (e.g. 1SourceAutoWarranty) have gone out of business leaving the warranty holder "out of luck".
  3. It will be about 75% to 80% of a one liter can.
  4. Yes, you are correct. The process is the same.
  5. Yes, there is some coding for the replacement unit. Things like: Units, Vehicle type, Vehicle version, RHD or LHD, Vehicle handover (used on new and replacement units), With AC or without AC, country specific tuner settings, and country.
  6. :welcome: You will find a Brake Pad DIY here.
  7. Year and model and body type please...
  8. Search is your friend... Look here
  9. Item 16 looks to be just a switch cover. Item 17 is called control button seat adjuster repair kit - MY02 on.
  10. Sorry, there is a left and right switch panel Item 9.
  11. Option M537/M538 parts: Item 1 - Harness for backrest adjustment Item 8 - 6-pole connector
  12. Tell me which items numbers you need and I will look up the part numbers and prices.
  13. Did you use a gasoline stabilizer?
  14. Integrated Garage Door Opener DIY or In-dash Spoiler (Tail) Switch Mod
  15. The frequency of the flashing light is part of the diagnosis. Covers all Carrera (996), GT3, TT / GT2 and Boxster (986) cars Here is the long explanation from the service manual on the flashing coolant light. "Four functions of the coolant warning light: 1. Engine coolant level too low -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) 2. Engine compartment temperature too high -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) (engine compartment blower might be faulty) 3. Engine coolant temperature too high -- light is lit; pointer on the right 4. Temperature sensor at water outlet faulty -- light flashes rapidly (1 Hz) ; pointer on the right Note: The temperature warning in point three is indicated if the conditions "engine coolant temperature too high" and "engine coolant level too low" are present simultaneously."
  16. Most O2 sensors last about 60k - but it looks like yours didn't. If it keeps coming back I would suggest replacing that one (as does the service manual).
  17. Coupes and cabs get different springs as well as 6 speeds and Tips. The -08 is the kit for for a C4, coupe, with 6 speed. The -20 is the kit for C4, coupe, Tiptronic.
  18. This one is Litronics (Xenon) with headlight washers All the others look like (standard) Halogen - no washers.
  19. Flashing Coolant Light, What it means... It can also just be a bad coolant level sensor.
  20. Thanks! We all enjoyed it too. I think we had about 18 or 20 cars come by to get their codes read. 986 Boxsters, 996 Carreras, TTs, GT2, 997 and a 997S but no Cayennes :huh: Some happy folks (no codes) and some surprising faults. I think 4 of the 5 Cabs/Boxsters we tested had convertible top faults that the owners were not aware of. In one case we used the PST2 to re-calibrate the top on a Cab (re-synch the transmissions?). Thanks to the folks at Durametric - I think they will get some good feedback from this. Special thanks to the folks at SharkWerks for allowing us to use their shop and... for all their top notch technical and tuning advice. :thumbup:
  21. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect May 2006 pricing for both the US and Canada. We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For May 2006 the price lists support - US: 203,753 parts Canada: 203,750 parts Choose your price list from the drop down menu
  22. Do a search here as this has been covered many times. The same solution(s) apply to CDR-23 and CDR-24 as they are both fiber optics based systems.
  23. Any (good) dealer can stop noises/rattles in any model (coupe, cab, or Targa) by performing the suggested fixes in a Porsche TSB (Technical Service Bulletin).
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