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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Porsche considers the pads spring a replacement item because they can be overheated and lose tension. My understanding on the bolts is that when they are installed (the first time) they are torqued to a specific stretch limit and if you re-torque them they lose some strength. For most daily drivers that is not likely a problem. Check the wire connections on each pad sensor. If you have access to an ohm meter you can unplug each sensor and check the continuity through the sensor to find a bad one. Or. some folks just twist two wires together and tie-wrap them to the chassis.
  2. Item 3 in the drawing? Porsche has superseded the orignal part number 996.343.018.04 with part number 997.343.018.00 997.343.018.00 Shock Support Mount -- MSRP $78.73 (as of May 2006)
  3. Loren

    Idle Problem

    Has anybody looked for fault codes with the Bosch Hammer or Porsche PST2 (w/round connector)?
  4. IMHO, you are lucky it started at all with a 6 year battery. Whether it turns out to be the problem or not you needed a new battery.
  5. Those are for a 997 with a different muffler and exhaust pipe curve. They go straight where a 996 tailpipe has curve before the clamp. Not a picture but I'm sure you will get the idea from these. 996 997 Now with that knowledge you might find a good muffler/tailpipe fabricator that could modify a 996 tail pipe to use the 997 tips...
  6. Very nicely done Richard! :thumbup:
  7. No, the last number is the version in this case. Small changes or different vendors. They all sound the same to me.
  8. As long as thay are the "big tube" design they will work on any 996 (as shown on Carnewal.com). It is the "small tube" version that Porsche says to use only on 3.4 liter cars.
  9. I think you need to have it checked - to be safe. In total, 2 wires are connected to the sensor for the oil pressure indicator. The wire with the terminal designation "WC" (warning contact) is connected to the oil pressure switch which connects ground to the instrument cluster in the case of a stationary engine or low oil pressure and thereby actuates the warning light. A display warning is also emitted in the instrument cluster at the same time if the engine is running and the oil pressure is low. I suggest you find a dealer or independent shop with a PST2 or PIWIS and have them check the instrument cluster for errors. Then have them do a cluster drive link test to identify the failed part/connection. If it is not one of the above mentioned items then you could have a serious engine problem.
  10. Model year? mileage? What is you oil pressure gauge say at warm idle?
  11. The socket is still available (last time I checked) - the plug is not.
  12. Yes, you can use the VIN decoder here.
  13. Pretty much the same as the Carrera Cab. 1. Pull seat belt rose cover (4) up and off. 2. Undo fastening screw (6) behind it (be careful not to drop it into the chassis). 3. Detach side-panel lining by unscrewing the hex bolt (2) for the rear seat latch. Pull locking lugs of side-panel lining out of the clips in the rear side section and move forward enough to get at the back of the speaker. 4. Disconnect the loudspeaker electrical plug connection and disconnect. Remove panel.
  14. Removing seat belt and fitting 1. Press out the covering cap 1 with a screwdriver. Unscrew fastening screw 2 . Remove the seat belt with fitting 4 and spacer sleeve 5. Removing side−panel lining. 2. Removing deflector. Unscrew fastening screws 6 from the deflector 7. Removing belt tensioner. (Only on vehicles with belt tensioner). 3. Removing automatic belt device. Unscrew fastening screw 8 from the automatic belt device 9. Installation is reverse of above. Makes sure the belt moves freely before tightening down. Torques: Seat belt and automatic belt device - 50 Nm (37 ftlb.) Deflector - 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)
  15. Please click on Reviews and add the product (or service) and then write your review there. Thanks!
  16. Sandy's Flashing Sidemarker Hack
  17. 996.645.122.00 is the original radio (CDR-22) for mainly RoW cars MY99-02. It is no longer a valid part number in the parts list or price list. Which means it is no longer available. The only thing offered is an CDR-22 exchange radio. 996 645 122 X for MY99-02 I show a USD price on that exchange radio as $310.72
  18. About 3 years ago Porsche told me they didn't have this anymore and it would not be offered in the future. As 0586slb suggested try a VW, Audi, or even BMW dealer.
  19. Not really (IMHO)... because if you get a beep then something is open - that is the way the system is designed. I did the side marker/turn signal hack that flashes the turn signals and sidemarks when you set the alarm. As well if flashes the side markers when the turn signals flash (while driving).
  20. No beeps is normal. If your car beeps then that means you have a zone "open".
  21. We have decided to rename the Garage to Registry to better reflect what folks use it for. The Registry is a great place to share with the world what you drive and what toys and modifications you have. The Registry can also be a useful tool for finding vehicles, mods and gaining some valuable insight!
  22. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=14785
  23. One motor - two drive arms. Looks like a bolt came out.
  24. There are two pieces to the ignition switch the mechanical lock and electrical switch. Did they replace the mechanical portion and not the switch?
  25. No difference - they are the same.
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