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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Do you get a CEL? If not, I would ignore it.
  2. Clear the final code and wait and see if your CEL comes on again. Many times P1119 triggers based on other faults - but it is not a fault by itself. Per the Porsche OBD II manual "This non-shedded fault is not an actual fault."
  3. How old is your battery?
  4. On a MY07 Boxster relay 14 on relay support 2 is a test plug.
  5. Almost all Porsche (BMW, Mercedes, etc.) connectors have tabs that you squeeze or tabs that slide back out of the way. Look for something like that.
  6. From the ODB II manual: "Check electric change-over valve. 1. Remove two-pole connector of change-over valve. 2. Connect voltmeter to pin 1 (positive) and pin 2 (negative). 3. Trigger AIR pump with Porsche System Tester 2. Display: battery voltage 4. Remove vacuum hose of change-over valve with the engine running. Check whether vacuum is present. Check air change-over valve and air supply lines. 1. Run engine briefly to produce vacuum. 2. Trigger AIR pump with Porsche System Tester 2. 3. Remove vacuum hose of air change-over valve. If vacuum is present at the air change-over valve, check air supply from the AIR pump to the change-over valve to the air supply line to the cylinder heads. Check function of air change-over valve."
  7. Yes, the clutch bleeding procedure was modified based on information in Porsche supplement 98 of the Carrera Service Manual ( I noted that at the top of the DIY). 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. 4. No. The clutch pedal is "slowly" pumped. 5. No. The bleed valve stays open during the process until no more air is seen emerging (about 90 seconds). 6. After closing the bleed valve, yes. 7. Correct. No, the brake pedal is not touched during this clutch bleeding process.
  8. If the reboot does not work then your transponder is likely dead. So I guess that is a yes.
  9. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=45985
  10. Loren

    2003 gt3 new to me

    :welcome: Any pictures yet?
  11. our Glossary entry for DME
  12. GGR - PCA region is the San Francisco Bay Area. (Same region I belong to).
  13. You can disconnect the battery for about 5 minutes. Be sure you have your radio code first. The DME will then need to re-learn it's conditions - so the car may run rough for the next 5 miles or so.
  14. P0300 Misfire detection (sum total) P0301 Misfire, cylinder 1 P0306 Misfire, cylinder 6 I would look at the coil packs on the spark plugs for cracks.
  15. Initial reports from Peter Smith and Joel Reiser say the new seal is "better" and they are seeing "fewer" replacements. But time will tell...
  16. Dealer and parts: Sunset Imports - for parts ask for Jeff For an independent try: Rennsport Systems (503) 244-0990
  17. Have you thought about a car cover?
  18. P0410 Secondary Air Injection System - Signal Implausible (Cylinders 1 - 3) P1411 Secondary Air Injection System - Signal Implausible (Cylinders 4 - 6) P1123 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Lean Threshold P1125 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Lean Threshold I suggest you solve each set one at a time. First two say the air pump is not either runnning or one of the lines is plugged/leaking.
  19. To give you an idea of the trouble - the instructions are 7 pages in the service manual.
  20. Pretty much every misfire gets recorded as a pending code. If your tool does not read pending code then you will have to wait until a code triggers the CEL.
  21. All the TT (and C4S) front bumpers are the same.
  22. Either the clamp is loose or the weld on the tip is likely broken.
  23. Without your fault codes we are shooting in the dark. You can still have faults that don't turn the CEL on. Autozone and some other parts stores will read your codes for free. Get them read and then post them here.
  24. I am confused, do you want the TT front bumper part number for a TT cab? If you want to put a TT bumper on a MY03 Cab then there is more work to be done that just bolting the bumper on. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=32310 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6682
  25. I haven't seen PIWIS used on that control box - but it is the controller network. But I do not know what faults it stores. The front controller problems have been sporadic and intermittent but changing the front control box has solved the problem on several cars that I know of.
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