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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Your AC drain tube is likely dislodged. Look for the tube from the condenser under the dash and make sure it is not blocked and draining out under the car.
  2. Ok, start with the fuses. The fuse panel (on LHD cars) is the left under the dash. Look at fuse C3 (that would the third row down from the top - and the third fuse from the left) it should 15A. Also check B8 (second row down 8th from the left) it should be 15A also. Replace them if they are not clearly good. If the drains for the top storage were ever clogging and the car got water inside then their could be damage to the central locking/alarm unit under the drivers seat (LHD). Feel under the seat to see if it is wet there. In many cases if that has happened then the central locking/alarm controller will need to be replaced (by a dealer because of the alarm system re-coding). Any other electrical issues? Sometimes a bad ignition switch will cause a number strange things. Good luck - hope it's just a fuse.
  3. If the other locks are working then the solenoid that locks the handles should be working too -- they all work off the central locking controller. Look down in the cracks and see if anything is jammed in the latch area.
  4. Sorry folks I have been out sick for few days and have not been able to keep up here as I would like. Now that I am feeling better I will try to get caught up on a few things. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect August 2006 pricing for both the US and Canada. We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For August 2006 the price lists support - US: 205,376 parts Canada: 205,377 parts Choose your price list from the drop down menu
  5. Hardly... Porsches approved oils list is over 5 pages long. It is merely a list of oils and specific weights of oils and they have tested and approved. Porsche updated their list about once a year via TSB.
  6. No. Take it to an Autozone or other parts place have the fault codes read for free. Report back the fault codes and any other symptoms here.
  7. P0740 Fault, torque converter clutch - present Possbile causes: - ATF supply - Torque converter - Pressure regulator 4 (hydraulic) - Electrical triggering to pressure regulator 4 - Hydraulic control unit
  8. http://www.whiteson.org/boxster/mods/obc/
  9. Have a look at Cayenne TSB 12/05 9153 Satellite Radio Installation Instructions (I No. QV4 QV8) -- dated Sep 19, 2005.
  10. Clean the MAF again and if that does not fix I think you will need a new MAF.
  11. Only the 124 MAF is approved for use with a 996TT.
  12. I don't think it is a problem. Ask a fellow Boxster owner (or dealer) to let you listen to another car. I think you will find they all do this.
  13. Try Performance Products or Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). :welcome:
  14. or a shop (or individual) that has one. Very small. Most folks do not worry about it.
  15. TT, Carrera, and Boxster all use the same switch. The switch itself is cheap - some folks choose to spend $200 and upgrade the switch and lock to the newer version (there is a TSB on this for all three models).
  16. If you are sure the clutch switch is working then you either have a bad ignition switch or the starter is bad. Usually starter don't just "not work" they sputter or are intermittent. Any other weird electrical problems lately? Bad ignition switches sometimes cause other weird electrical problem.
  17. I'm not sure on turbos as I have seen many. But, on Carrera's and Boxster it is usually everything except the AC compressor.
  18. Have you checked replacing the bulbs in your owners manual? I think you have to take the lens off for that.
  19. For a MY 99 the 993.113.245.01 is the correct part. Sometimes one fault can cause another fault.
  20. Just when you start to back up or does the rattle continue? Could be a partially plugged line or a bad motor or a leak. Most of the tank and pump are under the left front fender (even on RHD cars I think).
  21. Try bypassing the clutch switch if it is not that then you may have a bad ignition switch.
  22. Yes, it sounds like a vacuum cleaner to me. It usually runs only about 5 minutes. It is for emissions.
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