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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 955.044.000.72 replaced 955.044.000.22. This is just the RTS system if you want a bike carrier or surfboard carrier or roof box you have to buy those too. The RTS replaces the roof rails. The two RTS cross rails seems to be all that the parts list shows.
  2. I would replace the Idle Control Valve.
  3. That is the DSP. It may or may not come with the cables - check with Jeff at Sunset Imports.
  4. What scanner did they use? VAG? or Bosch?
  5. 996.645.312.00 DSP for MY99-00 I think the harness came with the original parts. A number of folks have removed these to put 3rd party units so you might find a used one.
  6. The Porsche Carrera service manual says: The coolant system is a closed system - so if the your friends coolant was dirty then something got into it and contaminated it.
  7. Did you move the air pump out of the way? and the two fuel lines? Then move the tank towards the engine?
  8. Under the dash (to the left of the steering wheel - on US cars) there is a OBD II connector. It will only plug in there one way. After you plug it in - then turn the ignition to "on". It is usually not needed to start the car.
  9. Why not go with the GT2 6 piston calipers and 350 mm rotors?
  10. Fresh air comes in from near the front winshield so the smell must be inside the filter AC/heating housing.
  11. Just a caveat here... All part numbers are subject to change without notice. And one link (to a supplier) would do also.
  12. Clutch, flywheel, transmission.
  13. You will need to PM or email him...
  14. Hmm... there should not be anything hot enough up front to produce that smell in the cabin air intake. Is the smell in the front trunk?
  15. Time to clean your throttle butterfly. This has been covered many times here. Try using search to find the topics.
  16. I'm afraid you are stuck as the cam cover helps hold the cams in alignment with the head - so alignment is critical. Porsche only sells them as a set. The labor to replace a head and cam cover will be likely be pretty high. Perhaps you should talk to your dealer and see what they will do for you. BTW... you are talking about the cam cover (item 7) not the heat shield (item 52) - right?
  17. What happened to the cam cover? and why would it mot be covered under warranty?
  18. Yes, it will snap off. Check the clips and plastic retainers before you put it back on. Sometimes if they have spent a lot of time in the sun they crack or deform.
  19. 12A = MY1999 12B - MY2000 and newer Pull A pillar trim inwards along the roof frame and the windshield.
  20. I don't see any problem with reusing them as long as the insulation is not cracked or worn through.
  21. Actually, they break the circuit when the wire is worn through.
  22. Yes, you will find an AC condenser in front of each radiator behind the bumper.
  23. Yes, hydraulic line. Clutch slave cylinder goes here (roughly).
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