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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Mine has always read fine using the manual's instructions.
  2. CDR-23 is a MOST (fiber optic system) which your MY2000 car does not have. A CDR-23 would not even work in a MY2000.
  3. They are just a wire so if they come on and off then there is an intermittent connection or break in the wire.
  4. TSB 4/01 9415 Headlight Assembly - Moisture Accumulation/Ventilation Concern: Moisture accumulation inside the headlight assembly. Information: With a combination of weather, temperature, and humidity conditions, the headlight lens may become fogged with moisture for a short time. The headlights of the 911 Carrera (996) /911 Carrera 4 (996) have a ventilation system which uses the incoming air from between the bumper cover and the lower part of the headlight assembly to remove the moisture. The headlights are also vented through plastic pipes located in the electrical connector that extend under the vehicle. Only a short driving time is necessary to clear moisture from the headlights when the ventilation system is in "operation".
  5. No the handbrake uses the drum type shoes inside the rear hubs.
  6. But if you just bought the car - why do they not have an obligation to check it out for you. It could be that someone simple like removed something (like the phone) from the MOST fiber optic circuit and didn't re-program the car. Sorry, this does not sound right to me - a good dealer would be happy to check it out for you with the hope of winning your future business (both service and sales).
  7. Your car should still be under Porsche warranty. Take it back to the dealer and have investigate TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) 15/03 9110 PCM2 With Bose Sound System: Sporadic Sound Failure -- dated 11-24-03.
  8. You might want to check out this post before you but new buckles... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10368
  9. CDR-32 was used for RoW cars in MY99-02. I had heard it was very close to the US/Canada CDR-220. You might try Becker in your country.
  10. Sorry, but that is BS. Try Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a good price.
  11. There are two adjustments - at the wheels and at the handbrake handle itself. To adjust: 1. Remove the rear wheels. 2. Release the parking brake lever and push back the brake pads of the rear axle until the brake disc can be turned freely. 3. Undo the adjustment nuts on the turnbuckle (arrow) until the cables are without pretension. 4. With a screwdriver, adjust the adjustment fixture through a threaded wheel bolt hole until the wheel can no longer be turned. Next, turn back the adjustment fixture through 5 notches again (release approx. 3 notches until the wheel can be turned freely, then release another 2 notches). Repeat the procedure on the other wheel. 5. Pull up the parking brake lever by 2 teeth and turn the adjustment nut of the turnbuckle until both wheels can be turned manually with difficulty. 6. Release the parking brake lever and check whether both wheels can be turned freely.
  12. Are you talking about the oil seperator in the engine sump? If so, then you remove the oil pan cover - no need to remove the engine.
  13. I would ask them to run a compression check on each cylinder. This should tell if you have rings leaking or worse a slipped cylinder liner.
  14. I guess I was not clear - I think you need to have all the system controllers scanned again and print out all the fault codes. An OPC or independent shop with a PST2 or PIWIS can easily do this. They can even tell you if you have a sensor disconnected.
  15. Every fault has a code PSM, ABS, DME etc., etc. You really need to these codes to narrow down the possibilities.
  16. Is this a UK car (where they report the manufacture year rather model year)? because the 996TT didn't come out until MY01. Have you had the fault codes read on the car? The is the first thing you should do - and write them all down and report back here. At this point it could be anything from an air/vacuum leak to a MAF to a bad electrical connection.
  17. Yes, that should work. MSRP (in US dollars) is $23.36 (as of August 2006).
  18. Remove cap (20) and then the screw (21) from inside. The remove the two screws (21) from the door side of the vent. Disconnect any electrical connectors (if there are any).
  19. Have look here. Is that what you need?
  20. 15A for both A9 and A10.
  21. Not without changing out the whole dash - which is quite a job...
  22. Any chance you have a water leak and water has gotten to the alarm/central locking control box under the driver's seat? I would see if the carpet under the driver seat is wet or damp...
  23. Well the battery needs to have a vent connection that can have a tube attached to it - and sorry I do not know about the Interstate battery. The Autozone Duralast that Tool Pants and I use comes with a battery side connector, tubing and an adapter so I would think other good battery makers would do the same. Se my post (and others) here.
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