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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The part number is only sold for RoW cars. It has been replaced by 997.642.101.11.FMH. I do not know if it will work (program) in a US car.
  2. The acid fumes from the battery charging will go into your trunk and around the battery eventually causing corrosion.
  3. I would change the battery first as it will help you sort any other electrical problems - once it is eliminated as a cause.
  4. How old is your battery? There is the starter lock relay (on relay panel 2 - under the rear deck - behind the rear seats).
  5. There are bulbs in the back of the display for the different sections. Do a search here as there are several posts on replacing the bulbs.
  6. Please PM him.
  7. Looks the ones I built - except I didn't put the stop on the end. Your design looks very good.
  8. I think see now... you are talking about just the center part of the black sill piece. The sill guard is all one piece even though it looks like the center (where the lettering is) comes out - I don't think it does.
  9. I don't think so the early center console is in three pieces and the shapes are different. I think he should sell that piece and look further for the right parts.
  10. No, as I recall it is a painted surface like the rest of the door sill. Mark the location since once they are off and cleaned up you can't tell where they were.
  11. Each section of the manual is $110 for Porsche's Tech website (or $5,200 per year subscription for all of them). You might also try member Porschelibrarian. The switch part only is covered pretty well here.
  12. It is held on with double sided tape. Try a combination of heat gun and dental floss. Then clean the residue with 3M adhesive remover.
  13. P0446 Below lower limit. - Purge air line blocked. - Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high. 1 - EVAP canister purge valve 2 - EVAP canister 3 - Purge air 4 - Tank 5 - Pressure sensor 6 - Shutoff valve 7 - Operating purge valve 8 - To intake manifold 9 - Vacuum control valve Check purge air line for blockage. 1. Remove front right-hand wheel housing liner. 2. Detach purge air line (connection face up) from EVAP canister. 3. Blow through purge air line with compressed air.
  14. P1123 and P1125 say that your car is running to rich for the DME to compensate for. P1128 says cylinders 1-3 are running too lean for the DME to compensate for. Perhaps it's time to check vacuum lines and the charcoal canister (EVAP) purge valve. Are you sure those are the only codes? Have someone like Autozone read your codes for free and report back here.
  15. 1. A 2.5 liter 986 is non-egas (throttle cable) - a 2.7 liter 986 is egas. So the answer is no. 2. Yes, the fender shape changes to fit the turbo style headlights. So you would need to change fenders and do some wiring. The headlight mounts do not change.
  16. Have a look at the B&M Short Shifter instructions (here. They have very good instructions for removing the rear center console.
  17. IMHO two things. One - always turn the air off a couple miles from home so that the moisture that has condensed on the coils can evaporate off. Two- make sure that your drain tube from the evaporator is not plugged and the moisture flows to the ground.
  18. Sorry - they can't troubleshoot it down to one component so you have to pay for both? I would look for an independent shop...
  19. Please do a search - that has been covered many many many times here.
  20. A new master cylinder has an MSRP of $447.89. Add 1 liter of brake fluid - about $12.00 and a couple hours of labor. Seems to me like $800 would be a fair price. I would ask them exactly what are they doing for $4,800...
  21. Are you sure your rattle is not a loose front swaybar? (fairly common)
  22. I don't know - I've never read the voltage at the at the alarm horn. Tool Pants might know -- I think he's replaced a couple of them.
  23. When the system is properly armed the lights should flash twice -- no horn. A horn chirp means one or zones is open (and not armed). Common causes of an open zone are the armrest cover and the front trunk microswitch. Two flashes to arm is normal and one to disarm (at least my car has always done that and I have no alarm fault codes).
  24. The car horns are the two behind the front bumper. The alarm horn is under the front hood near the battery.
  25. Was your car one of the one that needed the 1/04 W418 W418 - Updating Software In DME Control Unit? If so, did they do that update? or 8/04 2 2470 Engine Operation and Performance Complaints or 2/05 W612 - Replacing Accelerator Pedal Module Two out three of these required a DME software update - have they done that?
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