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Everything posted by Loren

  1. P0441 Fuel Tank Ventilation System - Above Limit - EVAP canister purge valve open - Pressure sensor faulty P1531 Camshaft Adjustment, Bank 1 - Open circuit in triggering wire. - Open circuit in B+ supply. - Actuator faulty BTW... all the fault codes are listed here.
  2. I have not tried this "new" method from Porsche yet. It is per supplement 98 from 2005 of the Carrera (996) Service Manual. With pressure on the system I guess air should not flow back in.
  3. Try re-training the windows. Hold the button down until the window goes down all the way - then hold it for about 10 seconds. Do the same for the up motion. If that doesn't do it then like PorscheFan said you may need a new window regulator.
  4. The trick I used was to add the GT3 third radiator and connect it to the engine cooling system. That does nothing for the transmission but can really drop temps for the engine during track events and running on hot days. IMHO unless you are running some 24 hour (or even 12 hour) distance race you don't likely need any transmission cooling.
  5. That could be a bad sensor. I would wait a little and see if the problems go away with the new oil separator.
  6. Uh... you will not be burning it through the intake anymore? It sounds logical to me.
  7. How many miles on your current filter? I think I would reset the DME and Instrument Cluster by disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes first. The car will run a little rough when you first start it up as it relearns the DME program but it might solve your problem.
  8. I wonder if you can use the TT aerokit harness (996 612 070 30)?
  9. Looks to me like there are two plastic nuts holding it in place (under the cover?).
  10. :oops: my typo it should be 996.612.070.20
  11. I think you are looking for 996.612.070.70 wiring harness for rear deck lid. You might want to double check with JeffClark@sunsetimports.com
  12. Hmm... maybe time to find a new shop... The TSB 3005 might need to be done if your car falls before the VIN range stated for the problem. If your VIN is after that range then you should have the newer parts. Still they should inspect it for wear and to the cause of the squeak. It could be a bad clutch spring too.
  13. Last time I bought one of these from Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) it was $18. The part number (for a US manual since you didn't say) is: WKD 996 221 99
  14. 996 343 701 21 is the correct FRONT sway bar 996 333 701 26 is the correct REAR sway bar 996 333 051 34 is the correct rear strut 996 343 041 21 is the correct front strut
  15. 1. Could be a loose sway bar or upper strut mounts per TSB 1/99 4085 Noises From Front Springs/Struts -- dated 9-10-1999. 2. Sometimes to find an oil leak you clean off all the oil - then spray talc powder -- then drive to locate the leak. I haven't seen many FWD units leak so they might want to make sure it is final drive oil (yellow/brown) and not power steering oil (red). 3. This will depend if the squeak is in the pedal or the bell housing. If it is in the pedal then they should clean and re-lubricate the pedal assembly (that is in the shop manual). The proper lubricant is Optimal, Optitemp LG 2, Part No. 4. It could be that they replaced the release bearing and didn't look at the release arm to see if it is the newer design - or worse they left something loose. 5. This could be normal. List to another 996 when started from cold. The secondary air pump should run at start up for maybe 2-3 minutes. It sound more like a small vacuum cleaner to me. This is normal if that is the sound. Sorry, for legal reasons you are not allowed to print the TSBs - they are for viewing only. Any good dealer will gladly show you any TSB when asked (IMHO).
  16. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect September 2006 pricing for the both US and Canada. We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For September 2006 the price lists support -- US: 207, 082 parts CAN: 207,083 parts Choose your price list from the drop down menu
  17. Ok folks back on subject -- and stop the bashing or this thread will be closed.
  18. The GT3 and 996 use very different transmissions -- so I doubt it. Why? Do you think your transmission is over-heating?
  19. It will depend on the engine speed - are you talking about idle?
  20. Yes, Porsche says DO NOT use any anti-seize.
  21. http://www.renntech.org/reviewpost/showpro...t=17&cat=31
  22. 000.044.500.37 RoW M030 suspension kit (20 mm lower)
  23. Becker North America Parts: (201)327-3434 x 1209 (888) 423-3537 x 1209 info@beckerautosound.com
  24. ATE Gold Type 200 and ATE Super Blue have the same properties. Some dealers do not approve of Super Blue because over time it discolors the brake fluid reservoir. Porsche simple states "Use only DOT 4 brake fluid".
  25. Item 7 -- 996.563.554.00.xxx Lining Left (xxx needs to be replaced with your interior color code i.e. A10 = black) Iten 8 -- 996.563.553.00.xxx Lining Right
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