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Everything posted by Loren

  1. No, the clutch is hydraulic - so no adjustment. There were some bad release bearing lever arms but those were before MY03.
  2. It will likely need to be re-calibrated too with a PST2 (or PIWIS tester).
  3. Yes, with the adapters from Carnewal.com... (about 95 Euro) "Unlike the freely adjustable rear spoiler of the first generation GT3, the rear spoiler of the new GT3 cannot be adjusted. For racing, clubsport or DE, the only way to change the angle of incidence of the upper wing is by using adaptors that put the wing on 4° or 8°. The set contains 2 pairs of adaptors : Two adaptors 4° Two adaptors 8°"
  4. Maybe it's time to send a letter to Porsche Cars Great Britain and tell them warranty service has been refused?
  5. Yes. As long as they don't change other programming (i.e. OBC, cruise, country codes, etc.) you should not have a problem. BTW... Porsche will be able to tell the DME has been tampered with - so they could use that against you in any (related) warranty issues.
  6. Sounds like a bad connection or bad coolant temperature sensor. I do not understand why they would not correct this under warranty - Porsche repays them for their expense.
  7. After how many miles (or km)?
  8. Sorry, to hear about your problems... You do know you can get an exchange engine from Porsche? There will be a core deposit plus $7000-$8000 for the engine - and installation cost. Exchange engines (in the US) carry a two warranty as I recall. Updating to a 3.6 will require a DME change (5.2.2 to 7.8), adding egas (if your car is a C2), and fuel systems work for the returnless fuel system used on 3.6 liter cars. I suspect that will be pretty costly.
  9. The one in the aerokit package? Yes. The one from a stock spoiler - No.
  10. There are several TSBs on this and your dealer may need to replace the amp and/or update your PCM software.
  11. I would have the suspension (and lower control arms) inspected by a good alignment shop - one that know a good part from bad one. Sorry, but not all dealers fall into that category - so a really good alignment shop. If you were in the San Francisco bay area I would recommend Custom Alignment. Since they work on a lot of race cars they down a weakened or worn out part from a good one.
  12. No - but it will keep the cap from leaking too - which is a very common problem with -00 caps.
  13. Yes, there is an "approved" tire, wheel and spacer list. Ask your dealer to give you a copy of TSB 4/04 4440 Summer Tire and Wheel Summary -- dated 05-25-2004 ---- or become a Contributing Member here and read it online (as well as all the other TSBs).
  14. Use a tubing wrench as the brake line nuts round offf easily. Bleed the brake system (and clutch) after changing them.
  15. Porsche's 8.5 x 18 wheel has an offset of 40 mm - so you will need to check these to see if they will work.
  16. MY of car? Model number of stereo? BOSE, Harman, or other options?
  17. Looks like the line to the oil separator to me. I would have your dealer look at it and repair the problem. These cars should not leak any oil - period.
  18. Where are you located? (perhaps someone can loan you a set) Otherwise you can get them from Becker for about $2.00 (plus shipping).
  19. On a MY99 cruise sends a speed signal and diagnosis signal to the cluster.
  20. Cruise control was stanadard on US 996's. It looks like you may need to recheck your wiring. BTW... did you have someone turn on OBC in your cluster?
  21. 986.637.243.04 is for US/Canada MY97-00 with 315 mhz alarms 986.637.243.03 is for many RoW cars with 433 mhz alarms
  22. 996.731.720.00.G2L Right lower cover (prime coated) -- $6.30 (as of Sep 2006) 996.731.038.03 Right convex mirror glass -- $43.49 ( as of Sep 2006)
  23. Just the mirror (13) or the housing (2) too?
  24. Sometimes it is on the option code list in your owners documents.
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