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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Well, it could be a hose I would still bet on the tank. Especially if the leak is on the left rear exhaust/wheel area.
  2. Yellow/White are US M030 for a MY03- Boxster/S front springs Orange/Brown are US M030 for a MY02- Boxster S rear springs
  3. Yeah, if you read the posts further down another member had to force a guy to do it EXACTLY like I said -- then it worked.
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=53645
  5. Have a look here first. It's the same process on a Boxster or C2. C4 is slightly different.
  6. The only difference between the two kits is the pressure plate. Porsche now uses the same flywheel for all Boxster (-05) which means it should bolt up. probably just a spring rate difference. I would go withe the "S" kit but you can always double check with JeffClark@sunsetimports.com
  7. The B&M instructions are actually very good. Download the PDF here
  8. They are both mat black finish. Just ge the one for the side of the dash you want the switch on. 996.613.155.00 A02 is the for the switch installed on the left side of the dash and 996.613.156.10.A05 for the switch installed on the right side of the dash.
  9. One way you can test the booster is to start the car and let it idle for a minute or two. Then press the brake pedal and hold it. The brake pedal should remain firm and not depress any further - if is does you likely have a leak in the vacuum boost. Do you have any experience in rebuilding calipers? If not let a shop do it. You will need to inspect the parts (pistons and bore) as well as the inner seals and replace them as needed. MY99 C4 Front caliper repair kit: 951.351.917.01 and 951.351.917.00 Rear caliper repair kit: 951.352.917.01 and 951.352.917.00
  10. Contributing Members can view TSBs here online. Check out the announcement at the top of any forum or click on the Donate button at the top of any page.
  11. Yes, the sheet is for MY99 C4 - 996 C4 has always been egas.
  12. My car is a June 1999 build and had to be one of the last MY99 cars - and it has DME 5.2.2.
  13. Richard - my mistake you only get those on the newer cruise control when it is part of the DME. So, no PST2 tests that I can find for the older version.
  14. Yeah, I tried to change mine to several different settings (i.e D w/sliding roof, AUS w/sliding roof, RoW w/sliding roof. They all gave me an several faults.
  15. First I would have the vacuum booster tester. If it is not that then... How old was the brake fluid when you changed it? Were there any signs of water (or rust) in the fluid? It could be that your caliper pistons are corroded and sticking not allowing full movement. If so, Porsche sells caliper rebuild kits.
  16. The sun visor mounting and the visors themselves changed mid model year in MY2005. The early ones were the same as the 996 and the later ones had a slightly different mounting and design. I do not know if they are interchangeable - so make sure you get the right parts (based on your VIN).
  17. With a PST2 you can test the cruise control lever/button actuation (i.e. store/accelerate and decelerate/resume). These can be viewed using the Input Signals part of the Instrument Cluster section.
  18. Yes, emission canister is in the front, but so is the fuel pump, amp and cd shanger (if he has them), windshield washer pump, headlight washer pump (if he has one). Usually when a fuel pump goes it just goes, windshield washer or headlight washer should not be running unless there is a short somewhere. The only other thing I can think of is a bad or leaking steering rack - hence I asked what it does when he turns the steering wheel.
  19. No (different tools) -- they are the same for 986 and 987.
  20. If you move the steering wheel does the noise change?
  21. You need to read these threads: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6162 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ic=4798&hl=
  22. The most common failure on the intermediate shaft ( to my knowledge) is the seal. All that needs to happen is for one of the cam chains to jump a tooth and your engine is toast (valves collide with pistons or the chain breaks and thrashes the case). The intermediate shaft drives all four cams and the engine pretty much needs a full disassembly to change it (retime the cams etc.). Porsche needs to analyze and fix whatever causes these failures. Next time I (or Tool Pants) see Peter Smith we'll ask him what the factory says about the IMS failures.
  23. For a MY99 C4 -- 996.620.103.00 996.620.102.00 is for a MY99 C2
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