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Everything posted by Loren

  1. No it is not confidential. MSRP is Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. This is Porsche's published retail price. Dealers can charge the same, less, or in a few rare cases more. Dealers can sell parts at whatever price they want -- including below their cost (usually to move overstock or slow moving inventory). Part of the reason we post this is so that folks have a ballpark idea of what something will cost -- and also know when they are being overcharged.
  2. I don't know the system you are talking about but there is a reverse switch on the (manual) transmission housing - or is this a Tiptronic?
  3. You can do the measurement without the special box - just be very careful that you don't short any pins.
  4. On a 986 - Yes, you need to loosen the diagonal brace but no re-alignment is needed. See the DIY in the 996 section and special instructions in step 2 here.
  5. :welcome:
  6. 996 362 142 11 was replaced (and is the replacement for) 996 362 142 03. They should be the same - 996 362 142 03 is no longer available.
  7. Yes - pretty much. Porsche's MSRP on the box is $725.12 :eek:
  8. Congratulations! It's all in the Contributing Members (only) forum here ;)
  9. Okay - this is closed due to name calling. You folks need to take this offline. Further discussion is between the buyer, seller and eBay. John V's response to clarify and close this topic.
  10. A PDF version (not the latest version) of PET is available by following the link in our Links section here. I will leave this thread open as long folks keep it civil - so please do...
  11. Usually the letter X at the end of the part number means it is a rebuilt. The serial number should be on any paperwork also (since that is what they are warrantying).
  12. Check triggering wire for continuity. 1. Connect special tool 9616 to wiring harness (DME control module connector). 2. Remove connector of actuator. 3. Connect ohmmeter to special tool 9616, pin 25, and connector, pin 2. Display: 0 - 5 ohms Check B+ supply of actuator. 1. Remove connector of actuator. 2. Connect voltmeter to connector, pin 1, and ground. Switch on the ignition. Display: battery voltage
  13. Sorry, I don't see anything here that is RoW or M030. 986.343.041.20 are standard front shocks 986.333.051.20 are standard rear shocks All M030 rear swaybars are 19.2 or 19.8 mm I do not have sizes for front swaybars Front blue/white are (US) standard springs Rear springs - there is no pink/yellow. There is blue/yellow or violet/yellow and neither are RoW M030 springs.
  14. 996 505 983 02 G2X Front spoiler (bumper), primered; without inner frame and spoiler-mounting of headlights 996 505 986 02 G2X Spoiler lip; primered; incl. prefitted adhesive tape 999 507 497 40 Expanding rivet (for fitting spoiler lip to front spoiler & fitting wheel housing cover) -- 21 required 996 341 117 92 Left GT3RS brake duct 996 341 118 92 Right GT3RS brake duct
  15. There is no DIY for this. It is not to common but occasionally a tech will forget to hookup or tighten the ground strap after removing the transmission for an RMS or IMS There is a strap that connects the transmission to the chassis (on the underside of the car). Simply find that strap and check that both ends of the connection are attached and have good clean contact.
  16. Yes, same situation - the coils are already installed on the struts.
  17. It is not the O2 sensors and it is likely not the MAF. If it were the MAF why would your engine be running too lean only on cylinders 4-6? I think you should look for intake leaks, a cracked oil filler hose, oil separator or other intake related problem.
  18. If your car is under warranty they should do the firmware updates for free. I would not mention the new DVD at that time.
  19. The RMS or IMS leaks from the joint where the engine mets the transmission. The best way to tell where the leak is will be to clean off all the existing oil - put some talc on the bottom of the engine and raise it on a hoist to see where the oil starts from (IMHO of course).
  20. 9 bolts for the GT3 pressure plate -- 6 bolts for the Carrera pressure plate. Folks - remember the GT3 and 996/997 Carrera use both different engines and transmissions.
  21. Did your dealer do the firmware upgrade so you can use the newer DVD? As I recall there are several upgraded that must be done by the dealer to use the newer DVD software.
  22. Remove and test fuse C3 (third row down from the top - third fuse from the left). It should be 15A. That fuse is the alarm, power windows, interior lights, sun roof, cab top.
  23. Model year of you car? Model of your car? US/Canada car or RoW?
  24. The rear spring part number does not exist in PET anymore - so I can not verify it against the VIN range. Maybe a dealer has a way to look up old numbers but I don't. Sorry. Only the rear bump stops change for M030. US M030 bump stops are: 996.333.105.03
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