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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Did you check the heat shields around the mufflers? That is fairly common.
  2. Porsche publishes a service information book every year that details the changes for the techs and dealers (fairly technical). For the MY2002 TT the book was 17 pages. Contributing Members here can view the book online.
  3. If they are factory Litronics then they have self-leveling - if they were added later they do not. The wiring is not present and would be a big pain to add, plus the sensors (front and rear), and the control unit.
  4. These have both been been covered here many times - please try using the Search feature. You will need the Durametric Software (about $250) or a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester to reset the airbag light. What is more important is to read the airbag fault code(s) to see what caused it to come on in the first place.
  5. No.
  6. No, they are the same (at least to my ears).
  7. Disconnect the driveshaft at wheel end only. You will also need to remove the lower balljoint. I would drive it around some before alignment so the springs are settled.
  8. 996.552.233.06.A03 Trim for switches (black) -- MSRP $59.03 (in USD as of October 2006)
  9. Strange dealer - Porsche says every 20,000 miles.
  10. Most of the MY07 Order Guides have been updated today. That also includes the MY06 Cayenne S Titanium edition that will be sold in 2007.
  11. There was a glitch today with this server (and many others) with time server synchronization. The problem has been corrected but you will see a few posts that will look like they they were written in the future (i.e. 9:00 PM instead of 9:00 AM). This will also cause your New Posts and Mark Forum as Read not to work until the actually time "catches up" with the wrong posting times. So, everything should be working properly again in about 12 hours. Sorry, for the problem but this time server glitch affected thousands if not millions of servers.
  12. These are the brackets for a 997 with comfort seats. If I misunderstood and he has sport seats then the numbers are different.
  13. If it can show actual valves (from the DME) then you can compare - if not the Durametric software is only about $250 (vs. $3600 for a used PST2).
  14. Depends on the scanner... the Durametric Software will.
  15. Do we know that the climate control measures that temperature at the same place as the DME? Perhaps the climate control reads the temperature at the heater core inlet? and the DME reads it at the engine? I may try to hook up my PST2 to my car and see what the DME temp says compared to the climate control.
  16. Yes, the sway bars are the same for X74 and M030.
  17. Please be more specific is this dash trim or the surround on the shifter?
  18. My quote above is directly from the Porsche service manual.
  19. What are you worried about - that sounds about right? Is your car overheating?
  20. You need to have your PSM/ABS faults read with the Durametric Software, PST2, or PIWIS tester. Write down the fault code(s) and report them back here.
  21. The radiator fans are two stage. The fans always go to stage two (fast) when the the AC is on. They turn on as follows:
  22. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=45723 Color should not be an issue Porsche says you can mix them (their coolants only).
  23. The fuel filter (your pic) is clamped to the coolant tank on a C4. Just take the screw clamp off of it. I would get new screw type hose clamps. They are easier to work with and some of the spring clamp type may not hold well after re-use. Be prepared to be patient getting the tank out. It only comes out one way and a few folks have even lowered the engine an inch or so to make it easier (but that is more work). And, yes open the bleed valve after re-filling and check it often over the next few days.
  24. 996 641 984 77 70c was replaced by 996 641 984 57 70C. That is not a console it is an instrument cluster for a GT2 (GB version). I do not think it will work in a car older than MY01.
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