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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Porsche tool 9560 (part no. 000.721.956.00) -- MSRP $209.78 I think you can find a similar tool via third party.
  2. M415 is wider rear track with spacers.
  3. Please let the image completely upload before submitting the post - thanks.
  4. Uh... he posted in the 996 area. PeterC4 -is this a 996 or 997?
  5. If you have a misfire you likely have a fault code or two. If you have a code reader read out the codes - some auto parts stores will read your codes for free too. Report back here what your codes are.
  6. The min, max and middle positions can be tested with a PST2 along with sensor voltage, supply voltages and speed (measured by the ABS sensors). The PST2 can also calibrate the HBA.
  7. In some cases these problems have been solved by replacing the radio - but in many more the problem was the amplifier.
  8. Seal Grey is a little lighter to my eye... Seal (left) -- Slate (right)
  9. OBD II Pcodes P0154 Oxygen sensor ahead of TWC, bank 2 Potential causes: Open circuit in signal wire or ground wire Oxygen sensor heating not functioning Output stage in DME control module faulty Internal resistance too high Check: – Wiring harness – Oxygen sensor – DME control module P1119 Heating of oxygen sensor ahead of TWC, bank 2 Potential causes: Oxygen Sensor Heating Before TWC, Bank 2 Check: – Open Circuit - Short Circuit - Oxygen Sensor If it is not the wiring then you need a new O2 sensor.
  10. Just the center console storage. Small but useful.
  11. :welcome: You will need to check your paint code as both were available. Seal Grey Metallic is code L6B5 Slate Grey Metallic is code 22D All the TT paint colors are here. TT Maintenance Schedules are here
  12. While the car is still on the ground - remove the large axle nut. Lift the car and after you have the lower ball joint out move the wheel carrier away from the axle. Support the axle with some wire. Do your strut change then reverse the process - you will need to torque the FWD axle nut to 340 ft/lbs (460 Nm).
  13. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories today (3 total): Boxster (987) - 1 Cayman (987c) - 1 Carrera (997) - 1
  14. I am in Morgan Hill (just South of San Jose). If you want I can hook up my PST2 and we can test both fans and both speeds. PM me if you want to do this.
  15. The radiator fan fuses are C8 and C10. I doubt they would run at all with the fuse blown. I wonder if you have a bad fan ballast? Where are you located?
  16. For the oil problem - have they run a compression test on each cylinder? 1. Likely a badly worn synchro - I would guess a rebuilt/replacement transmission is the only fix. 2. Have a tech check your car for a voltage drain. 4 years is good battery life for any battery (regardless of cost).
  17. The kit including the electrical harness, screws, clips etc. is: 996.512.901.02.G2X
  18. Yes, you can plot those with the Car Code software. These images I posted ( a year ago) actually came from the Porsche OBD II service manaual.
  19. Porsche has had the issue with the crimped hose at least a couple of times. Another possibility is a blow fuse that will shut the vent off. A third possibility is a bad canister/purge valve circuit (that again shuts the vent off - usually you get a CEL with this.
  20. No, and I am pretty sure a dealer can not do that with their PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  21. They start delivering cars in December (in the US) so it could be any day now. As soon as we have it will be posted here.
  22. Here is a pic from one of our Moderators. The heat shield is the foil looking stuff around the muffler. You do not need to remove the bumper or jack the car up. Just wait until it is cool or use protective gloves to isolate the rattle. In a few cases there have been broken welds inside the muffler too. (pic courtesy of Orient express)
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