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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try our Search feature - it works really well ;) http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=10388
  2. If you are talking about the trim around the shifter base - it just pulls up. It is held in by clips. Make sure you find any clips that fall off and reattach them.
  3. None of the items you mention are factory installed options. They maybe actual Porsche parts but not factory installed. Is the car a US car or ? Use the our VIN decoder here to see what the car originally shipped as. Then look under the front hood for the option codes sticker and you can look up the factory options here.
  4. You likely need to remove the alarm wire from the new radio harness (since it does not support it). Look for a Brown/Blue wire from the original radio connector and remove the pin and tape it (or cut and tape the wire). If the alarm still chirps then you likely need to hook up the Durametric Software, PST2 or PIWIS tool and see where it says the fault(s) are.
  5. For a MY98 RoW car you need tank part number: 996.106.147.56 This is a third generation tank for the pre MY01 cars. I do not think a MY01 and newer tank will fit in the older cars without some modification(s). (If they did, Porsche would not carry two tanks in inventory - just one).
  6. Yes, Wurth Silver wheel paint will match well. You will also need Wurth Clear coat.
  7. ABS Fault 4440 -- Steering-angle sensor - The PSM function is switched off. - The ABS function is switched off - The ESD function is switched off - The ASR function is switched off "If the fault codes 4400 Transverse acceleration sensor, 4420 Rate of turn sensor and 4440 Steering-angle sensor are displayed together, there may be an open circuit in the circuit to control module terminal 39." If you want the full diagnostic procedure - send me a PM.
  8. Tips from past Work On Cars Days... 1. Make sure you have all of your parts - and that they are the right parts. 2. If you are changing fluids (oil, brake fluid, etc.) - plan to bring something to carry them away in. 3. Plan to clean up any spills or mess you make. 4. Help us plan ahead - tell us what you want to do. Depending on the number of people/cars we try not to take on anything that will take more than a couple of hours each.
  9. Try LA Dismantlers or Parts Heaven in Northern Ca.
  10. With or without AC? US/Canada car or RoW?
  11. You will need the switch and the proper relay. Check your PSE relay. If your relay ends in 01 or 02 then it will work with the switch. If it end in 00 then it won't.
  12. Possibly... but won't the fuel pressure regulator negate that?
  13. Under performing seal, Article by Phil White
  14. It is easy and only requires a flat blade screwdriver. The process is the same for Carrera, Boxster, GT2, GT3, and TT. http://boxsters.addr.com/hacks/clear_sidemarkers.htm
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...int_menu_car997
  16. C4S uses the TT running gear - totally different.
  17. We have added the US and Canadian GT3 RS order to the MY07 Order guides available to download. You can find them here.
  18. Yes, if you get the exhaust and the manual switch you can set it up to be controlled only by the switch. See a DIY in the 996 DIY section. You need to order both the mufflers and the switch (the switch is sold separately). There are two small holes that need to be drilled through the heat shield for the vacuum control lines. Most of the rest is standard muffler replacement stuff. The electronics and wiring will need to be added. That will require removing one seat and adding a relay to the relay panel (under the left front dash). Probably a 4-5 hour job (being careful and first time install). Porsche dealers usually charge 6-7 hours (book) labor. The full (6 page) Porsche Sport Exhaust Installation TSB is available here to view for Contributing Members.
  19. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=54538 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=51528 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10158 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=4395
  20. Contributing Member juankimalo has graciously provided a 996 Buyers Guide in Spanish from his website Soloporsche.com. We have added they guides to the Public Download section here. Although my Spanish is limited to "dos cerveza por favor" ;) -- this guide looks very well done.
  21. Try looking in recent issues of Excellence magazine. Every month they review market values, trends and affects on various Porsche models.
  22. 67 downloads

    Spanish 996 Buyers Guide -- high res/book print version. Provided by Joaquin Fdez of Soloporsche.com
  23. Porsche tends to report sales numbers by geographic region - and then not at all in some regions. Doncapecod usually reports monthly sales numbers for PCNA (Porsche Cars North America) here in the News section.
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