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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 999.507.497.40 MSRP $0.31 each -- there are 13 per car. You will only need replacements for the ones you break ;)
  2. Just replace the bad one. The others will tell you when they die too.
  3. P1115 Oxygen Sensor Heating 1 Ahead of Catalytic Converter - Below Lower Limit Your pre-cat O2 sensor is heated at startup so it can immediately start reading emissions and adjust have the DME adjust the mixture. Your fault indicates that this pre-heating is failing to happen. Either their is a poor connection at that heater element, the heater circuit is open, the heater circuit is shorted. If you have an ohm meter you can check the sensor by: 1. Removing connector of 02 sensor ahead of catalytic converter. 2. Connect ohmmeter on pin side to pins 1 and 2. Display: 1.8 - 2.5 ohms at 20°C. 3. Connect ohmmeter on pin side to pin 1 and 02 housing. Display: infinite ohms If the ohm readings are correct then look for bad or broken connectors on the sensor electrical connector. If the ohm readings are bad and if your car has over 50-60,000 miles then the heater is likely bad and the sensor will need to be replaced.
  4. :lol: The $75 is for them to stamp the "N" designation on the tire. I use Bridgestone Potenza S-03 Pole Positions and I like them a lot. The Bridgestone Potenza RE050A Pole Position is the new replacement for the S-03's. From what I have heard they are even better. I personally would go with the RE050A.
  5. The alarm control and central locking is in the control box under the left hand seat. If that box gets wet (and it sounds like it did) - then many things could be shorted out. Bad design for a convertible IMHO.
  6. We would need model year, coupe or cab or Targa, 6-speed or Tip -- and the color code (stripes) from your springs (front and rear).
  7. :welcome: MY02 added/changed the following: Glove box added New style cup holders Seat belt tensioners with belt-force limiters Seat and mirror memory via remote control New sound and radio package (BOSE) A (slightly newer) PCM1 Navigation system All engine, transmission, suspension and brakes are the same from MY01 to MY02.
  8. So they are all put together backwards?
  9. It will depend on the exact PCM unit in your car (by PCM part number). But I believe all are supposed to be at "Model Level B". Ask your dealer to check: TSB 27/04 W522 W522 – Updating The PCM2 Operating System and Replacing The 3 - CD ROM Street Map Navigation CDs (Workshop Service Action) and TSB 8/05 9112 PCM2.1 and Navigation Unit: System Connection Software Release, "Model Level B" and TSB 9/05 9110 PCM2.1 Navigation Update.
  10. The firmware has been updated to the latest version by a Porsche dealer?
  11. Email it to Scouser (his email is at the bottom of the decoder). If anybody can read it he can...
  12. is that data displayed if you simply plug in the carrera cluster or is there more to it than that? You would need to add an oil pressure sender to the engine and run the wire to the cluster.
  13. Try putting your VIN into Scouser's VIN Decoder here.
  14. Those controllers are the same from left side to right side so you should be able to swap them to see which is bad. I would try Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) - they are usually have the best prices (IMHO).
  15. You mean P0156? right? If so there is really not much to do. Check the electrical connections to the sensor - clear the code and see if it comes back. If so, then replace that sensor.
  16. It's probably another question whether a Porsche dealer in Canada can "legally" turn off DRLs.
  17. This really get's my back up. You own a Porsche for Christs sake, a small contribution worth probably less than a bottle of oil could get you all the information you would need to put your side skirts on and much more.......what is your problem here! Ha ha ha, Scouser you crack me up! Surprised to get that from someone that has been a USER over at Rennlist since May 2003, with some 1500+ posts without forking up the membership fee! I respect Loren's knowledge and his site but is a little help to much to ask for or does all renntech registered users get asked to pay up as a reply to their first post? It's like going to a restaurant and being asked to pay for your meal before ordering just because you are not a regular guest. A restaurant with such policy would not stay in business for long. Loren you can delete my user profile as I will not be back and should therefore not take up space on your precious server. I'm back to the original "renn" site (where I'm a paying member). Adios, J. With all due respect -- you do not have pay here - except when you want something that WE have to pay for. TSBs are not free - we pay for them (and they are a recurring expense). I'm sorry you do not see that as value enough to contribute to this site.
  18. Well, everything that keeps happening (P0133 and P1275) point to the O2 sensor ahead of the cat. If your car has 50,000 miles or more chances are that O2 sensor is going, going, gone.
  19. And the fault code(s) are?
  20. I don't see a relay. I'd say there is a good chance it is programmed into the Front End Control Unit and would need to be changed with a PIWIS tester.
  21. In his DIY (here) Izzy used Pennzoil Multi-Vehicle ATF. You might PM him and see if he still recommends it.
  22. I can not recommend buying your oil from a dealer. Dealers are charging 30-40% more than you would pay on the street.
  23. Mobil 1 is the brand name for their synthetic oil. Their is only one Mobil 1 0W-40.
  24. "Many times you will be upgraded within a few minutes but it could take up to 24 hours."
  25. You can not open the TSB because TSB viewing is only allowed for Contributing Members. Contributing Members can view TSBs online, use the Retail Price Search feature, and access the Contributors Only Forum. They can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and a personal Blog. Contributions help defer the cost of running this site and providing this information to you. No one has to contribute but many members do. Without contributions this site would either have to go subscription or cease to exist.
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