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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Becker charged $1.80 plus shipping when I bought mine...
  2. mosty 986 and 996 shop manuals - electical diagrams - and Porsche PET parts catalog CHECK IT OUT http://www.cannell.co.uk/Manuals.htm Those manuals have been mentioned here many times before...
  3. Porsche says buy them Navteq -- Navteq says buy them from Porsche. :rolleyes: My advice would be to go the company that you paid the most money to (Porsche) and tell them they need to provide you with a solution.
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=11246
  5. TSB(s): 4/05 9227 Replace Front Wiper Blades Before Customer Delivery -- dated 4-12-2005 10/05 9260 Improving Windshield Wiper Efficiency -- dated 12-15-2005 20/05 W603 – Replacing Windshield Wiper Arms (Workshop Campaign) -- dated 10-07-2005 21/05 W605 – Replacing Windshield Wiper Blades (Workshop Campaign) -- dated 11-01-2005 Or you could have just gone to the Cayenne TSBs and searched on "wiper" ;)
  6. We have limited our donations to a minimum of $25 (US) for two reasons. 1. The average donation was over $25. 2. Because the (PayPal) handling costs on anything less were taking too much of the donation. We understand that not everyone can donate. Thanks again.
  7. 987.559.243.01 Boxster "S" logo -- MSRP $29.79 (CAD as of Dec 2006)
  8. Fault code 4460 - Pressure sensor Pressure sensor actual value is evaluated and displays an implausible value. Possible cause of fault . Short circuit to ground/B+ or open circuit . Plug connection on stop light switch faulty . Incorrect adjustment of the stop light switch . Wiring/plug connection between pressure sensor and control module faulty . Pressure sensor faulty Note! A malfunction of the stop light switch can cause this fault. The stop light switch must have switched before a brake pressure is recognized. When the brake pedal is actuated, the stop light switch and the brake lights are triggered. The brake pressure on the pressure sensor is 0 bar.
  9. If you want the factory version (highly recommended) then try Sunset Imports (click on the Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost link at the top of any page).
  10. Could be PSM or ABS - I think both can cause the light to come on. PSM and ABS work together on the later cars.
  11. No TSBs for that problem for MY04. You could still have a worn strut mount or a loose swaybar.
  12. Your car has PSM not PASM. PASM did not come out until MY2005. Option M476 is PSM. Here is Porsche's glossary description of PSM
  13. So there are no belt tensioners, or other pyrotechnic stuff on the earlier models (a 1999 996 C4 for instance) in the seats ? I am considering to change the drivers seat for a Sparco seat I had in my previous BMW:s, and that I currenlty resting in the garage. On the BMW:s there were belt tensioners and I needed special subframes that had brackets and fixings for metal wires connected to the release handle for the positioning of the seat. I have not been able to find any subframes for the Porsches. Have a look at Brey-Krause
  14. If you have a US car then their are two switches on the brake pedal - one for the brake lights and one for the cruise control. Are you sure you got the right one? Should be easy enough to test with a jumper wire.
  15. Hmm... those lights didn't come on before? Usually the PSM and PASM lights at the same time mean the MAF is not connected.
  16. No... I don't think so. Won't fit a C4S either without some work... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=22785 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=23469
  17. Have you tried disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes?
  18. That is the custom in the US -- not in the UK.
  19. 1. With a screwdriver through the top air slot, release the left and right retaining clip A and pull the air vent out of the dashboard. 2. Pull apart the electrical plug connections and remove the air vent. Installation is plug the electrical connections back in - push vent into dash until it snaps in place.
  20. in the uk essex i have considered investing in the diagnosis software though how much is it and where can you get it http://www.durametric.com Price will depend on which package you order. Anywhere from $247 to $597 as I recall. Still, much better than a used PST2 for $3300 - $4000 on eBay... :rolleyes:
  21. Well, I have never seen a MY99 C2 with LSD that didn't also have TC.
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