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Everything posted by Loren

  1. There is a an emergency release cable behind the right front wheel well liner.
  2. Have your dealer check his TSBs - there should be at least one firmware upgrade (if not more) that needs to be done with their PIWIS tester.
  3. What the dealer did was to deactivate the airbag on that side. If you remove the bar you may get an airbag light since the airbag is not functioning on that side. Just have your dealer or any shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester change the setting. It is a 5 minute job.
  4. That tool might work fine - I would just make sure it won't scratch the calipers. (I must be lazy and cheap - I just push the pistons back using the old pads - :lol: )
  5. Here are a couple of different angles. The one highlighted in yellow should help.
  6. On the 987 there are two microswitches for the brake function - one on the brake pedal and one on the clutch pedal. There is a separate microswitch for on the clutch pedal for the starter interlock. The clutch interlock now goes through the cluster (instead of the DME like the 9x6 series) - so I do not know if it would affect the cruise control or not. Should be simple enough to test though.
  7. Unless you are having alarm problems I would have them reset and see if any come back. At this time the Durametric Software can not reset alarm faults - you will need someone with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. Some of those can be caused by trying to lock the doors with them open or any movement sensed in the interior during arming. In most cases these are arming errors - not really system faults.
  8. Should be D3 (fourth row from the top - third fuse from the left). It should be 30A.
  9. Yes, you can email Sunset. It might be a special order as this was an Exclusive option. I still think it is best if you can find your option numbers - to be sure you have the right color.
  10. My best guess is "dark maple rootwood". It would be best if you checked your original option list (under the front trunk lid or in your maintenace handbook). 996.552.989.03.M31 defroster trim - dark maple root and Boxster Red leather -- MSRP $436.94 (try Sunset Imports - Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost for a much better price).
  11. I've never removed the rear bumper to install a PSE. I like to remove the rear tires - then the three 13 mm bolts, and the cat bolts -- then the muffler rotates out to the side and rear. But each to their own...
  12. I have not seen any description in any shop manual. Let me have a look at Chuck Jones' car and we will try to take pics and write it up.
  13. Chuck, Yes, the fuel door is armed as part of the alarm system. If it fails to arm you will get a beep when you lock the car (the same beep you get if any other zone is "open"). I can check that fuel filler flap is the cause of the alarm beep with my PST2 (or Durametric software). If that is the cause we can see how hard it is to take the evap canister out.
  14. Is that the defroster cover next to the windshield? If so, you want both pieces, right? We will also need to know which wood (check your options list).
  15. :welcome: Try our search feature... I found this one (and about 25 more like it). http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1827
  16. Two parts... see post here.
  17. Most of the Porsche fluid is ATE. It's like spark plugs - sometimes when you get Porsche spark plugs they are Bosch and sometimes they are Beru. Bottom line is both vendors are "approved by Porsche".
  18. Could be a leaky or bad vacuum booster or a bad master cylinder. Does the pedal hold (stay hard) if you pump it up?
  19. I have discussed the feature with the Durametric folks - but it has not yet been implemented. ATE Super Blue has the same properties as ATE Typ 200 (gold) -- it is just blue in color. I would not worry about the small amount of left over fluid.
  20. The second one is a factory sport silver used in MY03 and newer Boxsters.
  21. In the US they go by Model Year -- in the UK they go my Build Year.
  22. The B&M shifter shifter instructions are quite good for this. You can download them here.
  23. Have you checked with Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost)?
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