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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect April 2007 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For April 2007 the price lists support - US: 212,316 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006)
  2. Serial number looks too short to me but give this a try: 8220
  3. Porsche's recommended tool (commercially available) and how to use it...
  4. 1. Remove convertible-top peg housing (image 1) Unscrew fastening screws 1 from the convertible-top peg housing 2. 2. Unclip the A-pillar trim (image 2) Pull the A-pillar trim inwards along the windscreen frame in the direction of arrow. 3. Remove the A-pillar trim (image 3) Remove the A-pillar trim 3 upwards in the direction of the arrow.
  5. Basically, anywhere it will fit. Most I've seen are on the right side.
  6. The 'Tool Master" Mr. Tool Pants likely knows... He already had a great pin tool collection so I gave him mine.
  7. Your major service is actually due at 90,000 miles. The checklist is here.
  8. All you did was drain the oil and change the oil filter - right? Does the dipstick show the right amount of oil?
  9. I would check to see that the wires in the socket part (that stays in the car when you remove the headlight) are securely locked into the socket. I've seen these push out before - or I've seen broken sockets.
  10. :drive: Hehe... I will be offering a driving course on "How to lockup the front brakes on 930" in the near future. Serious Chuck that car was a great buy - very rare, very fast and near concours condition. Sure we can have a look at your fuel filler/canister issue.
  11. Yes, that is a good place to start as it will force a minor re-calibration.
  12. They only come in black. You would have to have an upholstery shop cover it in leather.
  13. For a MY99 Boxster.. Same wheel bearing for both. 999.053.041.03 front and rear wheel bearing
  14. A number of folks really like the silver crest. You might try listing your airbag cover (including leather color) in the For Sale - Trade section. Someone will likely be willing to trade.
  15. According to the service manual - no. The parts that need to occur first are: "- Remove refrigerant by suction. -> Page 144 'Adding refrigerant and removing by suction' - Remove front cover for underbody. Refer to No. 519019, Group 5 Removing and installing cover for underbody - Remove cross member. Refer to No. 503819, Group 5 Removing and installing cross member"
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=39069
  17. Total 911 Magazine just announced a new "Digitial Edition". We hope to have a discount available to RennTech.org members soon. Here is the press release...
  18. You will need to get a cable from your software manufacturer.
  19. Both cam sensors bad - I would say that is highly unlikely. What code(s) are you getting?
  20. The cables you need will be dependent on the options already on your car. The same is true for CD/DVDs. Depending on the hardware version and current firmware in your PCM - those will dictate which NAV CDs or DVDs you need.
  21. 997.553.455.01.A03 cover - parking brake
  22. Tiptronic or 5 speed or 6 speed? 997.553.241.02.A03 Tiptronic shift gate cover 997.553.243.01.A03 5-speed/6-speed shift gate cover
  23. On the later model cars (MY01 and newer) there are actually 3 releases. The electronic one in the car. A US law mandated release inside the trunk (in case someone got trapped in there). And, the emergency mechanical latch release. If you are lucky you can hook the cable without removing the liner. Some folks re-route the emergency release to behind the tow hook plug in the front bumper - that way it's easier to get to (if you need to).
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