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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The spoiler should extend at approx. 75 MPH -- it should retract at approx. 37 MPH.
  2. If you cap part number ends in "00" -- then it needs to be replaced with the "01" version. If your cap leaks (regardless of the part number) - it needs to be replaced.
  3. Maybe if you mix the old (yellow/green) with the newer (pink) you get blue? Tool Pants pic
  4. Check with Jeff Clark at Sunset Imports - I only see a wire harness in the parts list for MY02 and newer. But there are several "harness repair kits". He likely knows which one to order. You can email him at: JeffClark@sunsetimports.com
  5. It is a challenge - a third (or fourth) hand always helps.
  6. Model Year and model please...
  7. I posted the link to the instructions and the full discussion of part numbers 5 posts up. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=493
  8. Yes, but you will need to cut the bumper mount back to fit the curve of the TT bumper. This has been covered here many times...
  9. Do you have to have the switch rekeyed to use your existing keys? How hard is it to DIY If you replace just the electrical part of the switch then nothing has to be re-keyed or re-programmed. If you replace the whole lock assembly then you do have to re-program.
  10. You can disconnect the wires and test the lights - but it is likely the switch. It's not hard to replace - just a little hard to reach.
  11. Good to know. Since its new to me I dont need to point out the obvious that I never got a post card. I'm going to have to go back and give them hell since they saw the car last summer. I put the car into service and I'm not seeing a compliance notice. How wonderful. My seal isnt cracked like slb's cap, but I suppose I could investigate the fuel vent. Any quick way to test that? If the seal leaks bad enough it will cause a CEL.
  12. Is there anything on the ICV that needs cleaning on an egas car? I dismantled mine and it looks quite different from the non egas ones. Mine looks like a round disc. I ended up just cleaning the throttle body which solve the problem anyway. eGas cars do not have an ICV. The idle is controlled by small movements of the throttle butterfly - so IMHO it is more important on an eGas car to keep the throttle body and butterfly clean.
  13. Well it is up to you. We suggest the dampers but I've heard of folks reusing them - worst case you will have some squeal. If the sensors turned on the brake pad light then one or more of them will have to be replaced (or jumpered). You would need to look a the pin and spring to see if they are worn.
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...emarkers++flash
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11942
  16. Same transmission in my Mercedes CLK55 AMG and Mercedes says "Electronically controlled five speed automatic transmission 722.6 is filled with a newly developed special transmission fluid and is considered to be "filled for life", ie: does not require fluid level checking or fluid change during scheduled maintenance procedures." So I guess Porsche, BMW, and Mercedes are all wrong? Each person is entitled to their own opinion -- but it is just that -- "your opinion". I am not starting an argument - I am just stating that each person needs to make their own decision on items like this.
  17. Sorry, that is not a good part number. The latest tank for a MY00 Boxster is: 996.106.147.07
  18. Thanks! :thumbup:
  19. Those part numbers do not come up anywhere that I can find. Are you sure those are the part numbers?
  20. Porsche says 90,000 miles. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...de=maint_us_add
  21. Did you check D8 and E6 also? D8 is the radio and D9 is the other audio option package. E6 is the CD Changer fuse.
  22. If you have a laptop computer buy the Durametric Software. It can read codes and reset them - plus a lot of other useful information. http://www.durametric.com
  23. What is the last part number of the tank you have? There have been 4 or 5 tanks.
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