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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Have your dealer (or OPC) check to see that you have the latest firmware in your PCM.
  2. Without reading out the fault codes - you are shooting in the dark. Many parts stores will read your codes for free. Have your codes read and report (all of them) back here.
  3. All Boxsters have OBC built in -- it is just not turned on. You need to find a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester and have them turn it on. If you want the steering wheel stalk that can be added to - or you can mount a switch on the dash board to change the options.
  4. I think Richard meant 986.606.125.01 is the correct MAF for 3.6 liter engines.
  5. The trim at the lower (both sides) of the center console are located with push in clips and can be prised off easily (no screws) To remove the gear shifter trim see here http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...mp;hl=gearstick Thanks for the reply, I see that the pictures are from a 986, and I thought that it would be the same for a 987, BUT when I tried to pull up just like is shown in the pictures I gave up just before I thought I had reached the breaking pressure to snap off something! I also tried pulling on the trim that runs along each side of the center console at the front and met with the same results, it wouldn't let go?! I figure there is a method to all of this and when done coreectly they may just 'pop-off', but I don't really want to head down to the dealer to buy someting that I broke by pulling in the wrong place... This is when an exploded drawing would be invaluable! For a 987/987c 3. Pull up and off.
  6. 1. Fuses 2. Switch(es) on pedal
  7. None of those codes would indicate a bad O2 sensor. In this system the O2 sensors report the problem - rarely are they the problem. If cleaning the MAF helped then chances are you need a new MAF.
  8. If you put an emergency spare in a 997 - then it is a 996 part. So the pressure is the same.
  9. If you are going to lubricate it use white Lithium.
  10. On the 986 and 996 a bunch of the CDR-220 radios had buttons that the lettering peeled off after a couple of years. Porsche replaced all of those no questions asked - no TSB. I know they replaced mine under warranty. I would have to see you damage but it sounds similar. Can you take a pic and post it?
  11. Here are the rear drains - don't forget the front ones too.
  12. PCM 1 was an option. It was expensive hard to use and very difficult to retrofit. IMHO you should buy a good after market system - the newer ones are much better these days.
  13. Sorry, my mistake -- I mis-read the model year coverage. You need the 996.631.446.00.
  14. Yes, but they say change both buckles and they are making double sure it doesn't happen again by re-soldering the grounds. One of the benefits of being a contributing member is you get to read the whole TSB (all the TSBs) - with all the details ;)
  15. Corrosion. Could be either contact point. The newer ones have gold (plated) contacts on both. The grounds under the seat should be checked too (per the TSB).
  16. The gold contact ones are the only ones in stock for several years now. 996.803.183.09 drivers side buckle.
  17. Have a look at Durametric Software.
  18. The first thing I would do with a car that is new to me is to verify what wheels and tires are on the car. I looked at a just purchased MY99 Carrera for a guy I know and he though it did not handle as good as other 996's he test drove. I drove the car and agreed - the backend was very loose. We looked at the wheels and the fronts were 7.5 x 18 and the rears were 9.0 x 18. Those are Boxster wheels - Carrera's get at least a 10" (x 18) wheel in the rear. Apparently someone had swapped wheels not knowing the difference. Once he put the proper wheels on the car it handled great. So, my short story there is to say it would be wise to investigate what wheels and tires you have and look for any suspension changes that could affect rubbing on the struts or their mounts. For your leaks - yes, start with the drains. I have posted the drain diagrams here many times. Pour a little water in them and see if they drain before you take anything apart.
  19. I sent you a PM. You can get all the wiring diagrams for your model year car at Porsche Technical Information website for $110. Each section of the service manual is $110 or $5,200 for a yearly subscription to all manuals.
  20. 996.631.446.00 is the tail light harness for a MY99-01 Carrera (item 2). Your profile says MY02 so you would need 996.631.447.00 996.631.447.00 tail light harness -- Retail $24.87. Try the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost - link at the top of any page).
  21. If the sticker under the front hood is gone then look in the maintenance manual (one of the first few pages). If that is gone too - then you need to order a COA (Certificate of Authenticity) from Porsche. These used to be $35 but I think they are more like $100 now.
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